
William (Ned) Friedman
Director of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Todd Washburn
Chief of Staff and Director of Administration
Amy Heuer
Associate Director of Digital Communications
Matthew Jordan
Director of Finance
Nikita Mahulkar
Coordinator of Events and Administration
Amy Mendez
HR/Payroll Coordinator
Alison Ring
Executive Assistant to the Director
Deb Smith
Accounting Associate
Renée DeBlois
Associate Director of Human Resources
Matthew Battles
Editor, Arnoldia
Michael S. Dosmann
Keeper of the Living Collections
Gillian Ehrman
Curatorial Assistant
Claire Neid
Editorial and Production Coordinator
Kyle Port
Manager of Plant Records
Kathryn Richardson
Curatorial Assistant
Madeline Schill
Collections Fellow
Miles Schwartz Sax
Assistant Curator
Education and Public Programs
Ana Maria Caballero
Outdoor Educator
Sarah Coyne
Communications Assistant
Catherine Cremin
Visitor Engagement Assistant
Katie Fox
Manager of Youth Education
Ana Eder-Mulhane
Visitor Engagement Assistant
Regina Mission
Visitor Engagement Assistant
Sarah Nechamen
Manager of Adult Programming and Events
Jessica Pederson
Head of Public Programs
Lauren Strack
Manager of Visitor Engagement
Facilities and Capital Projects
Horticulture and Landscape
Rachel Brinkman
Manager of Horticulture
Chris Copeland
Assistant Manager of Plant Production
Lindsay Davies
Arboretum Horticulturist
John S. DelRosso
Head Arborist
Declan Devine
Seasonal Gardener
Ryan Devlin
Arboretum Horticulturist
Peter Dias
Arboretum Gardener
Rodney Eason
Director of Horticulture & Landscape
Jackie Edgett
Arboretum Gardener
Robert Ervin
Arboretum Arborist
Scott Grimshaw
Arboretum Horticulturist
Conor Guidarelli
Arboretum Horticulturist
Maren Gunning
Arboretum Horticulturist
Emily Hitchcock
Greenhouse Gardener
Wesley Kalloch
Arboretum Horticulturist
Brendan Keegan
Arboretum Horticulturist
Benjamin Kirby
Arboretum Arborist
Rachel Lawlor
Arboretum Horticulturist
Delia Mahoney
Arboretum Arborist
Sylvia Maina
Arboretum Gardener
Brady Orozco-Herman
Seasonal Gardener
James Papargiris
Arboretum Working Foreperson
Rowan Payne-Meyer
Arboretum Horticulturist
Scott Phillips
Assistant Manager of Horticulture
Jed W. Romanowiz
Head Operator
Sarah Shank
Andrew (AJ) Tataronis
Arboretum Arborist
Axel Willians
Arboretum Gardener
Information Technology
Institutional Advancement
Isaac Adnan
Gift Processing Assistant
Darcy Foster
Individual Giving Associate
Jen Rosenblum
Campaign Coordinator
Jon Hetman
Associate Director of External Relations and Communications
Tanya Holton
Director of Institutional Advancement
Jaimie Lane
Development Systems and Operations Manager
Libby Koger
Development Assistant
Library and Archives
Izzy Acevedo
Research Assistant
Megan Ardolino
Plant Growth Facilities Manager
Mike Barrett
Plant Technologist
Carina Berlingeri
Graduate Student
Bridget Bickner
Graduate Student
Aberdeen Bird
Growth Facilities Assistant
Alaina Bisson
Graduate Student
Grace Burgin
Graduate Student
Nikhil Chari
Graduate Student
Carly Coughlin
Research Assistant
Peter Del Tredici
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
Daniel Faccini
Graduate Student
Eve Farrell
Graduate Student
James Fortin
Research Assistant
William (Ned) Friedman
Director of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Calvin Heslop
Graduate Student
N. Michele Holbrook
Robin Hopkins
Michael LaScaleia
Putnam Postdoctoral Fellow
Maya Levine
Plant Technologist
Patrick McKenzie
Postdoctoral Fellow
Faye Rosin
Director of Research Facilitation
Valeria Schmidt
Graduate Student
Christina Steinecke
Graduate Student
Benton Taylor
Assistant Professor
My Trinh
Graduate Student
Felix Wu
Postdoctoral Fellow
Associates, Visiting Scholars, and Visiting Fellows
John Herbert Alexander III
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
David E. Boufford
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Anthony R. Brach
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Bob Cook
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
David L. Des Marais
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum
Pam Diggle
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Rosetta S. Elkin
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Ailene K. Ettinger
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum
Lorna Gibson
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Lucy Hutyra
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Jianhua Li
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Elizabeth (Toby) Kellogg
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Erica Kirchhof
Visiting Fellow of the Arnold Arboretum
Ian McCahill
Visiting Fellow of the Arnold Arboretum
Morgan Moeglein
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum
Jessica Savage
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum
Dan Sullivan
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Sonia E. Sultan
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Jacob S. Suissa
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum
Pamela Templer
Associate of the Arnold Arboretum
Megan Wilcots
Visiting Scholar of the Arnold Arboretum