Research and Scholarship
Renewing Arnoldia for the Twenty-First Century
For more than a century, the magazine Arnoldia has served as the Arnold Arboretum’s essential platform for sharing insightful information about woody plants—a forum exploring the nature of trees. As part of the Arboretum’s sesquicentennial celebrations, Arnoldia was transformed in 2022 with a fresh, modern design and new approaches to storytelling. While continuing to offer superb imagery and editorial excellence, Arnoldia now features commissioned art that complements two entirely new departments: Notes from the Field comprises short, first-person narratives from authors working with plants, and Propagations is a forum for thought-provoking opinions and essays worth taking root. Arnoldia is published quarterly and available in print only as a benefit of membership.
Spotlighting Arnold Arboretum Faculty Fellows
Friedman Lab focuses on reconstructing the evolutionary origin and early diversification of flowering plants, Darwin’s so-called “abominable mystery.” The Hopkins Lab studies the evolutionary and genetic processes underlying the formation of new plant species. The Taylor Lab focuses on how plants respond to, and influence, the environment around them, particularly considering global climate change. The Holbrook Lab, based on the Harvard University campus, conducts investigations focusing on functional aspects of the water and sugar conducting tissues of plants. The Kramer Lab, also based on the Harvard University campus, conducts investigations focusing on the evolution of floral morphology from comparative analysis of petal diversity to the formation of novel morphological features. Image: Researcher Grace Burgin with the Hopkins Lab checks a pollination experiment on field specimens of Phlox drummondii, photo by Austin Garner.
Training and Mentoring Future Leaders in Plant Science
In partnership with the DaRin Butz Foundation, the Arboretum offers summer internship opportunities in research with Arboretum-affiliated scientists. The DaRin Butz Foundation Research Internship Program was suspended in 2020 due to the pandemic, and returned in 2021 with a hybrid approach of virtual engagement for the first 8 weeks and on-site interaction for the final two weeks. In 2022, the program resumed its original format, and continued its 2021 innovation of inviting program alumni to serve as mentors in the program. Image: 2021 DaRin Butz Foundation Research Fellows gather in the Weld Hill labs to learn about microscopic visioning equipment, photo by Faye Rosin.
Recognizing Arboretum Scientists for Exceptional Work
Benton Taylor was awarded research funding through the Climate Change Solutions Fund (CCSF) for his proposal Using Volcanic Vents to Combat Climate Change. Ben also received the 2021 Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator Award from the American Society of Naturalists. Research fellows Ben Goulet-Scott of the Hopkins Lab and Jacob Suissa of the Friedman Lab received funding through the European Society for Evolutionary Biology’s Outreach Initiative Fund for their science and social media project, Let’s Botanize! Post-doctoral fellow Kristel Schoonderwoerd received the 2021 Philip Hofer Prize from the Harvard Library for her book collection: Winter twig keys: Manuals for tracing time. Image: Researchers Ben Goulet-Scott (left) and Jacob Suissa were awarded for their social media science education project Let’s Botanize!, photo by Grace Burgin.
Supporting Innovative Research With Fellowships and Awards
2021 Arnold Arboretum Research Fellowships and Awards
To foster both independent and collaborative work, the Arnold Arboretum offers fellowships and awards to students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals of the biological and horticultural sciences as part of its mission to discover and disseminate knowledge of the plant kingdom.
Ashton Award for Student Research: Suzanne Ou, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Arnold Arboretum Genomics Initiative and Sequencing Award: Susan McEvoy, PhD Student, University of Connecticut
James R. Jewett Prize: Jonas Frei, Master’s Student, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Katharine H. Putnam Fellowships in Plant Science: Camilo Villouta, Post-doctoral researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sargent Award for Visiting Scholars: John Kress, Research Scientist, Smithsonian Institution; Bruno Nevado, Principal Investigator, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Sinnott Award: Vanessa Indeglia, DVM Candidate and Master’s Student, Tufts University
Disseminating Scholarship by Arboretum Scientists and Affiliates
Research Publications
Note: Arboretum staff in italics; Arboretum Visiting Scholars, Fellows, and Associates in bold text; Arboretum Putnam Fellows (*); Arboretum Award Recipients (^); and Arboretum Interns (^^).
Blumstein M, Hopkins R. 2021. Adaptive variation and plasticity in nonstructural carbohydrate storage in a temperate tree species. Plant Cell Environment 44: 2494–2505. Abstract
Bohne MJ, Charap JG, DelRosso JS, DiGirolomo MF, Dodds KJ, Evans SC, Gapinski AT. 2022. Utilizing urban arboreta for detection of native and non-native wood-inhabiting beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24: 76-96. Abstract
Buonaiuto DM, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Reconciling competing hypotheses regarding flower-leaf sequences in temperate forests for fundamental and global change biology. New Phytologist 229: 1206-1214. Abstract
Buonaiuto DM, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Differences between flower and leaf phonological responses to environmental variation drive shifts in spring phenological sequences of temperate woody plants. Journal of Ecology 109: 2922– 2933. Abstract
Butlin RK, Servedio MR, Smadja CM, Bank C, Barton NH, Flaxman SM, Giraud T, Hopkins R, Larson EL, Maan ME, Meier J, Merrill R, Noor MAF, Ortiz‐Barrientos D, Qvarnström A. 2021. Homage to Felsenstein 1981, or why are there so few/many species? Evolution 75(5): 978-988. Abstract
Chamberlain CJ, Cook BI, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Climate change reshapes the drivers of false spring risk across European trees. New Phytologist 229: 323-334. Abstract
Chamberlain CJ, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Late spring freezes coupled with warming winters alter temperate tree phenology and growth. New Phytologist 231: 987-995. Abstract
Dial DT, Weglarz KM^, Aremu AO, Havill NP, Pearson TA, et al. 2021. Transitional genomes and nutritional role reversals identified for dual symbionts of adelgids (Aphidoidea: Adelgidae). The ISME Journal. Abstract
Ettinger AK*, Buonaiuto DM, Chamberlain CJ, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Spatial and temporal shifts in photoperiod with climate change. New Phytologist 230: 462-474. Abstract
Eyster HN^^, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Comparisons in the native and introduced ranges reveal little evidence of climatic adaptation in germination traits. Climate Change Ecology 2: 100023. Abstract
Goulet-Scott BE, Garner AG, Hopkins R. 2021. Genomic analyses overturn two long-standing homoploid hybrid speciation hypotheses. Evolution 75(7): 1699-1710. Abstract
Grossman JJ*. 2021. Evidence of constrained divergence and conservatism in climatic niches of the temperate Maples (Acer L.). Forests 12(5): 535. Abstract
Hundertmark WJ, Lee M, Smith IA, Bang AHY^^, Chen V^^, Gately C, Templer PH, Hutyra LR. 2021. Influence of landscape management practices on urban greenhouse gas budgets. Carbon Balance Management 16(1): 1. Abstract
Kovaleski AP*, Grossman JJ*. 2021. Standardization of electrolyte leakage data and a novel liquid nitrogen control improve measurements of cold hardiness in woody tissue. Plant Methods 17: 53. (APK and JJG contributed equally) Abstract
Losada JM, Díaz M, Holbrook NM. 2021. Idioblasts and peltate hairs as distribution networks for water absorbed by xerophilous leaves. Plant Cell & Environment 44: 1346-1360. Abstract
Mahoney JD^, Brand MH. 2021. Pre- and postzygotic barriers associated with intergeneric hybridization between Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott x Pyrus communis L. and ×Sorbaronia dippelii (Zabel) CK Schneid. x Pyrus communis. HortScience 56(2): 177-184. Abstract
Primack RB, Ellwood ER, Gallinat AS, Miller-Rushing AJ. 2021. The growing and vital role of botanical gardens in climate change research. New Phytologist 231: 917-932. Abstract
Sapkota S, Boggess SL, Trigiano RN, Klingeman WE, Hadziabdic D, Coyle DR, Olukolu BA, Kuster RD, Nowicki M. 2021. Microsatellite loci reveal genetic diversity of Asian Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) in the species native range and in the North American cultivars. Life 11: 531
Schoonderwoerd KM, Friedman WE. 2021. Naked resting bud morphologies and their taxonomic and geographic distributions in temperate, woody floras. New Phytologist 232: 523-536. Abstract, see also commentary on this article by Jones, 232: 461–463.
Soper FM, Taylor BN, Winbourne JB, Wong MY, Dynarski KA, et al. 2021. A roadmap for sampling and scaling biological nitrogen fixation in terrestrial ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1122-1137. Abstract
Spriggs EL*, Fertakos ME^^. 2021. Evolution of Castanea in North America: restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing and ecological modeling reveal a history of radiation, range shifts, and disease. American Journal of Botany 108: 1692-704. Abstract
Suissa JS. 2021. Fern fronds that move like pine cones: humidity-driven motion of fertile leaflets governs the timing of spore dispersal in a widespread fern species. Annals of Botany 129: 519-528. Abstract
Suissa JS, Friedman WE. 2021. From cells to stems: the effects of primary vascular construction on drought-induced embolism in fern rhizomes. New Phytologist 232: 2238-2253. Abstract
Suissa JS, Sundue MA, Testo WL. 2021. Mountains, climate and niche heterogeneity explain global patterns of fern diversity. Journal of Biogeography 48: 1296-1308. Abstract
Taylor BN, Menge DNL. 2021. Light, nitrogen supply, and neighboring plants dictate costs and benefits of nitrogen fixation for seedlings of a tropical nitrogen-fixing tree. New Phytologist 231: 1758-1769. Abstract