The molecular lab at Weld Hill is well equipped for modern molecular studies from RNA expression studies to phylogenetic analyses. Registered users of the facilities may login to Booked to reserve equipment.
Agilent Mx3005P qPCR
Cell Biosciences AlphaImager HP
Protein Simple FCM
LED Lights: 475 nm, 534 nm, 632nm
Emission Filters: 710/40 nm, 607/36 nm, 593/40 nm, 537/26 nm
Sorvall RC6 Ultracentrifuge
Eppendorf 5804R Centrifuge
Eppendorf 5804R Centrifuge manual
Instructions for loading buckets
Eppendorf Centrifuges
Models: 5415R, 5414D, 542
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5415R manual
Eppendorf Vacufuge
Eppendorf Vacufuge_ConcPlus manual
Invitogen Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer
Qubit 2- Fluorometer-User-Manual

Nanodrop One C
Eppendorf PCR Machines
Mastercyclers and Gradient Mastercycler
MJ Research PTC200
Labconco 4′ Purifier
Logic Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet
ThermoScientific Forma 435
Forma 435 floor shaker user manual
ThermoScientific Forma 420
Forma 420 tabletop shaker user manual
ThermoScientific MultiskanFC
Filters: 340nm, 405nm, 450nm, 620nm
Plate Types: 96- and 384-well plates
Resolution: 0.001
Shaking: Linear shaking with three modes, slow, medium and fast