Plant Bios

Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Parrotia persica 2230-A -
Evergreen foliage and abundant white spring flowers of Ilex glabra 'Peggy's Cove'. -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Abundant spring inflorescences of ‘Crimson Gem’. -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904. -
Vaccinium corymbosum 386-71*B -
Prunus pumila var depressa ‘Gus Mehlquist’ 727-90-L -
Charles S. Sargent examining specimens in the 1st floor museum (now the lecture hall) of the Hunnewell Building. Photograph by T.E. Marr, December 1, 1904.
Genera & Families
- Abies →
- Acer →
- Actinidia →
- Aesculus →
- Ailanthus →
- Albizia →
- Amelanchier →
- Arundinaria →
- Betula →
- Buxus →
- Carya →
- Castanea →
- Catalpa →
- Cedrus →
- Celastrus →
- Cephalotaxus →
- Cercidiphyllum →
- Cercis →
- Chamaecyparis →
- Chionanthus →
- Cladrastis →
- Cornus →
- Corylopsis →
- Corylus →
- Crataegus →
- Cryptomeria →
- Cyclocarya →
- Cynodon →
- Cytisus →
- Davidia →
- Diervilla →
- Enkianthus →
- Eucalyptus →
- Eucommia →
- Euonymus →
- Fagus →
- Forsythia →
- Fothergilla →
- Franklinia →
- Fraxinus →
- Genista →
- Ginkgo →
- Gleditsia →
- Glyptostrobus →
- Gymnocladus →
- Hamamelis →
- Heptacodium →
- Hydrangea →
- Hypericum →
- Ilex →
- Isodon →
- Jasminum →
- Juglans →
- Juniperus →
- Kalmia →
- Kolkwitzia →
- Larix →
- Leitneria →
- Lilium →
- Lindera →
- Liriodendron →
- Maclura →
- Magnolia →
- Malus →
- Menispermum →
- Metasequoia →
- Monarda →
- Monotropa →
- Nyssa →
- Ostrya →
- Parrotia →
- Phellodendron →
- Phlox →
- Photinia →
- Phyllostachys →
- Picea →
- Pieris →
- Pinus →
- Platycarya →
- Poliothyrsis →
- Polygonum →
- Populus →
- Prunus →
- Pseudolarix →
- Pterocarya →
- Pyracantha →
- Pyrus →
- Quercus →
- rehderiana →
- Rhododendron →
- Rhus →
- Robinia →
- Rosa →
- Salix →
- Sassafras →
- Schizachyrium →
- Spiraea →
- Stewartia →
- Symphoricarpos →
- Syringa →
- Taxodium →
- Taxus →
- Tetradium →
- Tilia →
- Torreya →
- Tsuga →
- Ulmus →
- Vaccinium →
- Viburnum →
- Vitis →
- Zelkova →
- Adoxaceae →
- Aquifoliaceae →
- Araucariaceae →
- Bignoniaceae →
- Caprifoliaceae →
- Cercidiphyllaceae →
- Cupressaceae →
- Ericaceae →
- Fabaceae →
- Fagaceae →
- Ginkgoaceae →
- Hamamelidaceae →
- Hydrangeaceae →
- Juglandaceae →
- Magnoliaceae →
- Malvaceae →
- Nyssaceae →
- Oleaceae →
- Pinaceae →
- Rosaceae →
- Rutaceae →
- Sapindaceae →
- Sciadopityaceae →
- Simaroubaceae →
- Taxaceae →
- Theaceae →