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1927 Map of the Arboretum

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Sargent-Olmsted Society event in the oak collection, spring 2018.
Sargent-Olmsted Society event in the oak collection
Sargent-Olmsted Society event in the crabapple collection, spring 2018.

Named to commemorate the founding director of Arnold Arboretum and its famed landscape designer, the Sargent-Olmsted Society recognizes a community of plant, garden, and science enthusiasts who provide philanthropic support to the Arnold Arboretum. Cultivate a deeper understanding of the botanical world through exclusive access to the Arnold Arboretum, its collections, and expert staff through select benefits including special programs and signature events.

Sargent-Olmsted Society Giving Levels

All members of the Sargent-Olmsted Society enjoy the benefits of membership in the Friends of the Arnold Arboretum at the Benefactor level.* Additional benefits are available at each giving level of the Society as detailed below:

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Ginkgo Circle $2,500+

The Ginkgo Circle is an important source of unrestricted operating funds and makes possible the continued vitality of this great landscape.

Invitation to Sargent-Olmsted Society Reception

Recognition in the Arboretum’s Annual Report

Arnold Arboretum membership-exclusive wall calendar with modern and archival images the Arboretum and its collection

Arnold Arboretum membership-exclusive pack of 5 note cards, with images from the Arboretum’s grounds and archives

Arbor Day Seedling cultivated by the Arnold Arboretum

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Stewartia Circle $5,000+

Stewartia Circle is at the heart of our ability to sustain the Arnold Arboretum’s mission and expand its impact within the Boston community.

Behind-the-scenes gathering with the Director

Invitation to Sargent-Olmsted Society Reception

Recognition in the Arboretum’s Annual Report

Arnold Arboretum membership-exclusive wall calendar with modern and archival images the Arboretum and its collection

Arnold Arboretum membership-exclusive pack of 5 note cards, with images from the Arboretum’s grounds and archives

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Maple Circle $10,000+

Maple Circle members are key to programs at the Arnold Arboretum that bring people and plants together in a way that changes lives.

One “Notable Membership” ($250 level) to give as a gift

Behind-the-scenes gathering with the Director

Invitation to Sargent-Olmsted Society Reception

Recognition in the Arboretum’s Annual Report

Arnold Arboretum membership-exclusive wall calendar with modern and archival images the Arboretum and its collection

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Metasequoia Circle $25,000+

This dynamic group of dedicated people is a mainstay of plant, garden, and science enthusiasts who provide essential philanthropic support to the Arnold Arboretum.

One “Notable Membership” ($250 level) to give as a gift

Behind-the-scenes gathering with the Director

Invitation to Sargent-Olmsted Society Reception

Sargent-Olmsted Society

Director's Circle

The grandest of our leadership donor circles, members of the Director’s Circle represent the lifeblood of the Arboretum, providing the Director with a stable source of ongoing, annual funding that is pledged over multiple years. This community of donors will have its own special benefits and dedicated events. We welcome you to learn more about joining this Director’s Circle.

How to Join

To become part of the Sargent-Olmsted Society by credit card, please use our online form.

To learn more about the Sargent-Olmsted Society or discuss becoming a part of this core group of supporters, please contact Tanya M. Holton, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 617-384-5043 or