Supporters of the Arnold Arboretum for nearly 30 years, Pamela and Marc Seigle love watching the collections flourish on their frequent walks and getting the inside scoop as members through our events and publications. Marc marvels at the engineering of the landscape—the hills, the plants, the water features—but notes that beyond its beauty, the Arboretum “also makes city life better.” He finds the institution’s civic role inspiring, something he was unaware of before becoming a member. When he was younger, Peters Hill was a place where mischievous kids who’d cut class would push cars down the slope. Now he knows it’s so much more, including an outdoor laboratory where scientists conduct vital research.

Pamela Seigle and Marc Seigle in the Arboretum landscape
Pamela and Marc Siegle pause on a walk through the Arnold Arboretum landscape.

The Arboretum’s commitment to combating climate change resonates particularly with Pamela through her work with Mothers Out Front, a community group fighting for climate, social, and racial justice that has collaborated with the Arboretum. A resident of West Roxbury for 50 years, Pamela’s passion for community sparked her involvement with both organizations.

As with many others, Pamela and Marc find that the Arboretum landscape connects them to nature and to their neighborhood. While they have walked our roads and paths for years, the Seigles experienced a particular sense of peace and joy among Arboretum trees during the pandemic—trees that provided company during otherwise solitary days. Pamela deems the dawn redwood near the Walter Street entrance a personal favorite.

Beyond the verdant, sweeping beauty of the Arboretum, the Seigles appreciate the sounds of the landscape—from Director Ned Friedman’s galvanizing enthusiasm at membership programs and events to the variety of languages they hear around them as they wander the trails. Pamela believes that with so much public access, “it’s a space for everyone.” The Arnold Arboretum is a place the Seigles have cherished and will continue to engage deeply with for years to come. They know that while their access is free, keeping the Arboretum landscape beautiful, healthy, and safe for everyone is costly, and funded entirely by income from memberships and donations.

Believers in supporting the causes they feel strongly about, Pamela and Marc Seigle are proud annual members. Their support has increased over the years, knowing the significant impact their contributions provide for the landscape they cherish. Now that they are members at the Benefactor level, they feel even more a part of the community effort that keeps this special place vibrant and accessible.

Every membership is meaningful to the Arboretum. If, like Pamela and Marc, you seek to deepen your connection to the Arnold Arboretum over time, we hope you might consider increasing your membership level in the year ahead.