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1927 Map of the Arboretum

Equipment Reservations


For queries or to request access to the research and teaching facilities, please contact Faye Rosin, director of research facilitation.


Individuals interested in reserving and using specific instruments must be trained on the equipment. Individuals must complete and be current on their annual renewal for EH&S Laboratory Safety training and any additional trainings pertinent to their research before working in the Weld Hill Research Building. For example, use of the confocal microscope requires safety training for lasers or laser microscopes in addition to general lab safety training. Contact the director of research facilitation for training.

Equipment Reservations

Users should reserve the equipment via the online reservation system Booked. New users should follow the registration instructions below; current account holders can login to Booked.

Instructions for Online Scheduling

To register:

  1. Go to Booked and select “Create an account.”
  2. Please submit an email address and a password. The email address does not need to be a Harvard email account.
  3. Under “Organization” please list your lab group (e.g., Smith Lab).
  4. The time zone should be America/New York.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful registration from “” (You may need to check your quarantine folder if this confirmation is blocked by your email program’s control settings.)
  6. Once registered, you will be approved to reserve time on the instruments that you have been trained to use.

To make a reservation:

  1. Login to Booked.
  2. Under “Schedule” select “Bookings.”
  3. At the top of the page, the default schedule (-East Labs) is shown. To change schedules (e.g. -West Labs), select the blue arrowhead to show the dropdown menu and select the desired schedule.
  4. Once the schedule is loaded, click on the specific instrument you wish to reserve. In the pop-up window, fill in the start and end times and select “Create”. You will only be able to reserve time for equipment you have been given approval to use.
  5. Once you have submitted your reservation, you will receive a confirmation email if you have set up the notifications.

To modify or delete a reservation:

  1. Login to Booked.
  2. On the “Dashboard” page, select the reservation that you would like to modify.
  3. For modifications, make the desired changes in the pop-up window and click the “Update” button.
  4. To delete a reservation, select “Delete” under the “More” button.
  5. Once you have submitted your changes, you will receive a confirmation email if you have set up notifications.


  1. Only sign-up for time you intend to use.
  2. If you cannot use a reservation, you must release your time on the reservation calendar. Please do so before the allotted time and as soon as is practicable.
  3. If you miss your reservation and do not cancel, your slot will be open for other users after 20 minutes.
  4. Please handle all equipment carefully and clean up after use to help maintain operational integrity.
  5. Always clean up after yourself.
  6. If a device is not working properly or if something breaks (lamp, objective, software), please bring this to the attention of the AA staff.
  7. The AA staff is available to help you; please request assistance if you have any questions.