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Research Publications

The following is a comprehensive, but incomplete, list of the peer-reviewed articles published since ~2001 for research by Arboretum staff as well as scientists from other academic institutions that utilize the resources of the Arnold Arboretum. Resources include the living collections, research facilities, and library and archives. “Living Collections” are accessioned plants, their data/archives, as well as specimens from the cultivated herbarium, spontaneous vegetation, invertebrates, and even soils within the 281-acre landscape. Highlighted authors are Arboretum staff, Arboretum Visiting Scholars, Fellows, and Associates, Arboretum Putnam Fellows *, Arboretum Global Change Fellows #, Arboretum Award Recipients ^ and Arboretum Interns^^.

2024 |2023 | 2022 | 2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 and earlier


  • Blumstein M, Oseguera M, Caso-McHugh T, Des Marais DL. 2024. Nonstructural carbohydrate dynamics’ relationship to leaf development under varying environments. New Phytologist. 241(1):102–13. Abstract.
  • Brainard SH^, Sanders DM, Bruna T, Shu S, Dawson JC^. 2024. The first two chromosome-scale genome assemblies of American hazelnut enable comparative genomic analysis of the genus Corylus. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 22(2):472–83. Abstract
  • Buonaiuto DM, Davies TJ, Collins SC, Wolkovich EM. 2024. Ecological drivers of flower–leaf sequences: aridity and proxies for pollinator attraction select for flowering-first in the American plums. New Phytologist. Abstract
  • Chari NR, Muratore TJ, Frey SD, Winters CL, Martinez G, Taylor BN. 2024. Long-term soil warming drives different belowground responses in arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal trees. Global Change Biology. 30(11):e17550. Abstract.
  • Chari NR, Tumber-Dávila SJ, Phillips RP, Bauerle TL, Brunn M…Taylor, BN. 2024. Estimating the global root exudate carbon flux. Biogeochemistry. 167(7):895-908. Abstract
  • Cleland EE, Wolkovich EM. 2024. Effects of Phenology on Plant Community Assembly and Structure. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 55:471–92. Abstract
  • Del Tredici P. 2024. The Ginkgo—Covid connection. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET. Abstract
  • Dosmann MS, Schwartz Sax M. 2024. The Arnold Arboretum’s Campaign for the Living Collections: A Case Study in Living Collection Development. Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens. 5(2):119–30. Abstract
  • Duan L^, Su C, Wen J, Ji Y-W, Jiang Y, et al. 2024. New insights into the phylogenetic relationships of tribe Astragaleae (Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae) and Astragalus—the largest genus of angiosperm. Biological Diversity. Abstract
  • Fortin JP, Friedman WE. 2024. A stomate by any other name? The open question of hornwort gametophytic pores, their homology, and implications for the evolution of stomates. New Phytologist. 345:40-48. Abstract
  • Garner AG, Goulet-Scott BE, Hopkins R. 2024. Phylogenomic analyses re-examine the evolution of reinforcement and hypothesized hybrid speciation in Phlox wildflowers. New Phytologist. Abstract
  • Goulet-Scott BE, Farnitano MC, Brown ALM, Hale CO, Blumstein M, Hopkins R. 2024. A multidimensional selective landscape drives adaptive divergence between and within closely related Phlox species. Nature Communications. 15(1):4661. Abstract
  • Grossman JJ*, Coe HB^^, Fey O, Fraser N, Salaam M, et al. Temperate woody species across the angiosperm phylogeny acquire tolerance to water deficit stress during the growing season. New Phytologist. Abstract
  • Ibanez T, Bauman D, Aiba S, Arsouze T, Bellingham PJ…Taylor, BN… et al. 2024. Damage to tropical forests caused by cyclones is driven by wind speed but mediated by topographical exposure and tree characteristics. Global Change Biology. 30(5):e17317.
  • Komatsu KJ, Avolio ML, Padullés Cubino J, Schrodt F, Auge H,…Taylor, BN… et al. 2024. CoRRE Trait Data: A dataset of 17 categorical and continuous traits for 4079 grassland species worldwide. Scientific Data. 11(1):795. Abstract
  • McCulloch LA, Prada CM, Liao W, Bauters M, Church LTaylor, BN. 2024. Belowground foundations of tropical forest restoration. Biotropica. 56(2):e13296. Abstract
  • Morales-Castilla I, Davies TJ, Legault G, Buonaiuto DM, Chamberlain CJ, Ettinger AK, Garner M, Jones FAM, Loughnan D, Pearse WD, Sodhi DS, Wolkovich EM. 2024. Phylogenetic estimates of species-level phenology improve ecological forecasting. Nature Climate Change. 1–7. Abstract
  • North MG, Kovaleski AP*. 2024. Time to budbreak is not enough: cold hardiness evaluation is necessary in dormancy and spring phenology studies. Annals of Botany. 133(2):217–24. Abstract
  • Pooler M, Contreras RC, Criley RA, Dosmann MS, Galanti R, et al. 2024. Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Opportunities for Woody Landscape Plant Genetic Resources. HortScience. 59(10):1497–1504. Abstract
  • Shahid BM, Burgin GA, Hopkins R. 2024. Experimental and genetic analysis of selfing reveals no reinforcement in Phlox cuspidata. International Journal of Plant Sciences. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Niklas KJ, Tomescu AMF, Friedman WE. 2024. Ontogenetic correlates, not direct adaptation, explain the evolution of stelar morphology. New Phytologist. Abstract
  • Taylor BN. 2024. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in trees: Patterns, controls, and ecosystem consequences. Tree Physiology. tpae159. Abstract
  • Taylor BN, Komatsu KJ. 2024. More diverse rhizobial communities can lead to higher symbiotic nitrogen fixation rates, even in nitrogen-rich soils. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291(2027):20240765. Abstract
  • Wu Y^, Linan AG, Hoban S, Hipp AL, Ricklefs RE. 2024. Divergent ecological selection maintains species boundaries despite gene flow in a rare endemic tree, Quercus acerifolia (maple-leaf oak). Journal of Heredity. esae033. Abstract


  • Buonaiuto DM, Donahue M, Wolkovich EM. 2023. Experimental designs for testing the interactive effects of temperature and light in ecology: the problem of periodicity. Functional Ecology. Abstract
  • Buonaiuto DM, Wolkovich EM. 2023. Contrasting responses to climate variability generate seasonal priority effects between native and invasive forest herbs. Journal of Ecology. Abstract
  • Burgin GA, Bronzo-Munich O^^, Garner AG, Acevedo IA, Hopkins R. 2023. Characterizing each step of pollination in Phlox drummondii reveals a single butterfly species predominates the pollinator assemblage. American Journal of Botany 110(5): e16172. Abstract
  • Chamberlain CJ, Wolkovich EM. 2023. Variation across space, species and methods in models of spring phenology. Climate Change Ecology: 100071. Abstract
  • Conrad-Rooney E, Gewirtzman J, Pappas Y^^, Pasquarella VJ, Hutyra LR, Templer PH. 2023. Atmospheric wet deposition in urban and suburban sites across the United States. Atmospheric Environment. 305:119783.
  • Copeland CA, Harper RW, Brazee NJ, Bowlick FJ. 2023. A review of Dutch elm disease and new prospects for Ulmus americana in the urban environment. Arboricultural Journal. 45(1):3–29. Abstract
  • Cunha Neto IL^, Hall BT, Lanba AR, Blosenski JD, Onyenedum JG. 2023. Laser ablation tomography (LATscan) as a new tool for anatomical studies of woody plants. New Phytologist 239(1):429–44. Abstract
  • Da W, Rana SK, Bawa K, Kunte K, Wang Z^. 2023. Roof of the world: Home and border in the genomic era. Molecular Ecology Resources. Abstract
  • Friedman WE, Dosmann MS, Enzenbacher TB. 2023. Cercis canadensis ‘Arnold Banner’: A Periclinal Chimera of Eastern Redbud with Prominent Nectar Guides. HortScience. 58(12):1484–87. Abstract
  • Grossman JJ*. 2023. Phenological physiology: seasonal patterns of plant stress tolerance in a changing climate. New Phytologist 237: 1508-1524. Abstract
  • Ivanova DI, Korona-Głowniak I, Olech M, Malm M, Nowak R, Baj T, Tashev A, Angelov G. 2023. Antimicrobial activity and chemical analyses of seven Juniperus L. species. Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 36 (4) 236-241.
  • Menge DNL, Kou-Giesbrecht S, Taylor BN, Akana PR, Butler A, et al. 2023. Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycling: Responses to Climatic Change. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 54. Abstract
  • Osuna-Mascaró C, Rubio de Casas R, Gómez JM, Loureiro J, Castro S, Landis JB, Hopkins R, Perfectti F. 2023. Hybridization and introgression are prevalent in Southern European Erysimum (Brassicaceae) species. Annals of Botany 131(1):171–84. Abstract
  • Rindy JE^, Pierce EA^, Geddes J, Garvey SM, Gewirtzman J, Driscoll CT, Hutyra LR, Templer PH. 2023. Effects of Urbanization and Forest Fragmentation on Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs and Ambient Nitrogen Oxide and Ozone Concentrations in Mixed Temperate Forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 128(12): e2023JG007543. Abstract
  • Suárez-Baron H^, Alzate JF, Ambrose BA, Pelaz S, González F, Pabón-Mora N^. 2023. Comparative morphoanatomy and transcriptomic analyses reveal key factors controlling floral trichome development in Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany74(21):6588–6607. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Agbleke AA, Friedman WE. 2023. A bump in the node: The hydraulic implications of rhizomatous growth. American Journal of Botany. 110(1):e16105. Abstract
  • Taylor BN, Stedman E, Van Bloem SJ, Whitmire SL, DeWalt SJ. 2023. Widespread stem snapping but limited mortality caused by a category 5 hurricane on the Caribbean Island of Dominica. Forest Ecology and Management 532: 120833. Abstract
  • Wu Y^, Hipp AL, Fargo G, Stith N, Ricklefs RE. 2023. Improving Species Delimitation for Effective Conservation: A Case Study in the Endemic Maple-leaf Oak (Quercus acerifolia). New Phytologist 238(3):1278–93. Abstract
  • Zhou W^, Shi W, Soltis PS, Soltis DE, Xiang Q-Y (Jenny). 2023. Foliar endophyte diversity in Eastern Asian-Eastern North American disjunct tree species – influences of host identity, environment, phylogeny, and geographic isolation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: Abstract
  • Xie J, Del Tredici P, LaPorte M, Bekmetjev A, Lemmon AR, et al. 2023. Phylogenetic Relationships of Tilia (Malvaceae) Inferred from Multiple Nuclear Loci and Plastid Genomes. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 184(1):56–67. Abstract
  • Ziemińska K*. 2023. The role of imperforate tracheary elements and narrow vessels in wood capacitance of angiosperm trees. IAWA Journal 1(aop):1–14. Abstract


  • Bauters M, Grau O, Doetterl S, Heineman KD, Dalling JW, Prada CM, et al. 2022. Tropical wood stores substantial amounts of nutrients, but we have limited understanding why. Biotropica 54(3):596–606. Abstract.
  • Berardi AE, Betancourt Morejón AC, Hopkins R. 2022. Convergence without divergence in North American red-flowering Silene. Frontiers in Plant Science 13 :1-15. Abstract
  • Blumstein M, Sala A, Weston DJ, Holbrook NM, Hopkins R. 2022. Plant carbohydrate storage: intra- and inter-specific tradeoffs reveal a major life history trait. New Phytologist 235: 2211-2222. Abstract
  • Bradshaw M, Braun U, Pfister DH. 2022. Powdery mildews on Quercus: A worldwide distribution and rediscovered holotype provide insights into the spread of these ecologically important pathogens. Forest Pathology 00:e12742. Abstract
  • Bradshaw MJ, Quijada L, Tobin PC, Braun U, Newlander C, Potterfield T, Alford ÉR, Contreras C, Coombes A, Moparthi S, Buchholz E, Murphy D, Enos W, Fields-Taylor A, Bower A, Pfister DH. 2022. More than just plants: Botanical gardens are an untapped source of fungal diversity. HortScience 57(10): 1289-1293. Abstract
  • Burgin G, Hopkins R. 2022. A missing link: Connecting plant and pollinator population structure. American Journal of Botany 109: 668– 671. Abstract
  • Chari NR, Taylor BN. 2022. Soil organic matter formation and loss are mediated by root exudates in a temperate forest. Nature Geoscience 15: 1011-1016. Abstract
  • Cleveland CC, Reis CRG, Perakis SS, Dynarski KA, Batterman SA, … Taylor BN, et al. 2022. Exploring the role of cryptic nitrogen fixers in terrestrial ecosystems: a frontier in nitrogen cycling research. Ecosystems 25: 1653–1669. Abstract
  • Del Tredici P. 2022. Endocormic roots: Transforming death into life. Arboricultural Journal 44: 163-276. Abstract
  • Dial DT, Weglarz KM^, Aremu AO, Havill NP, Pearson TA, et al. 2022. Transitional genomes and nutritional role reversals identified for dual symbionts of adelgids (Aphidoidea: Adelgidae). ISME J. 16(3):642–54.
  • Edwards MB, Ballerini ES, Kramer EM. 2022. Complex developmental and transcriptional dynamics underlie pollinator-driven evolutionary transitions in nectar spur morphology in Aquilegia (columbine). American Journal of Botany 109: 1360– 1381. Abstract
  • Garvey SM, Templer PH, Pierce EA^, Reinmann Andrew B, Hutyra LR. 2022. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology 28: 3094-109. Abstract
  • Hopkins R. 2022. Predicting how pollinator behavior causes reproductive isolation. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8847. Abstract
  • Kovaleski AP*. 2022. Woody species do not differ in dormancy progression: Differences in time to budbreak due to forcing and cold hardiness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2112250119. Abstract
  • Kuo W-H, Liu S-H, Chang C-C, Hsieh C-L, Li Y-H, Ito T, Won H, Kokubugata G, Chung K-F^. 2022. Plastome phylogenomics of Allaeanthus, Broussonetia and Malaisia (Dorstenieae, Moraceae) and the origin of B. × kazinoki. Journal of Plant Research 135: 203–220. Abstract
  • Povilus RA, Friedman WE. 2022. Transcriptomes across fertilization and seed development in the water lily Nymphaea thermarum (Nymphaeales): Evidence for epigenetic patterning during reproduction. Plant Reproduction 35: 161–178. Abstract
  • Prada CM, Turner BL, Dalling JW. 2022. Growth responses of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal seedlings to low soil nitrogen availability in a tropical montane forest. Functional Ecology 36(1):107–19
  • Savage JA^, Kiecker T, McMann N, Park D, Rothendler M, Mosher K. 2022. Leaf out time correlates with wood anatomy across large geographic scales and within local communities. New Phytologist 235: 953-64. Abstract
  • Schoonderwoerd KM, Friedman WE. 2022. Interspecific morphological variation in Juglandoideae resting bud organisation—a winter’s tale? Annals of Botany 129: 679–696. Abstract
  • Schoonderwoerd KM, Friedman WE. 2022. Unveiling the many meanings of the term ‘naked bud’. New Phytologist 235: 15-17. Abstract
  • Suissa JS. 2021. Fern fronds that move like pine cones: humidity-driven motion of fertile leaflets governs the timing of spore dispersal in a widespread fern species. Annals of Botany 129: 519-528. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Friedman WE. 2022. Rapid diversification of vascular architecture underlies the Carboniferous fern radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289: 20212209. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Kinosian SP, Schafran PW, Bolin J, Taylor WC, Zimmer EA. 2022. Homoploid hybrids, allopolyploids, and high ploidy levels characterize the evolutionary history of a western North American quillwort (Isoëtes) complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166: 107332. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Preisler Y, Jr JEW, McCulloch LA. 2022. Vulnerability segmentation in ferns and its implication on their survival during drought. American Fern Journal 112(4):336–53. Abstract.
  • Wolkovich EM, Chamberlain CJ, Buonaiuto DM, Ettinger AK*, Morales-Castilla I. 2022. Integrating experiments to predict interactive cue effects on spring phenology with warming. New Phytologist 235: 1719-1728. Abstract
  • Zanne AE, Flores-Moreno H, Powell JR, Cornwell WK, Dalling JW… Prada CM, et al. 2022. Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science 377(6613):1440–44. Abstract


  • Blumstein M, Hopkins R. 2021. Adaptive variation and plasticity in nonstructural carbohydrate storage in a temperate tree species. Plant Cell Environment 44: 2494–2505. Abstract
  • Buonaiuto DM, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Reconciling competing hypotheses regarding flower-leaf sequences in temperate forests for fundamental and global change biology. New Phytologist 229: 1206-1214. Abstract
  • Buonaiuto DM, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Differences between flower and leaf phonological responses to environmental variation drive shifts in spring phenological sequences of temperate woody plants. Journal of Ecology 109: 2922– 2933. Abstract
  • Butlin RK, Servedio MR, Smadja CM, Bank C, Barton NH, Flaxman SM, Giraud T, Hopkins R, Larson EL, Maan ME, Meier J, Merrill R, Noor MAF, Ortiz‐Barrientos D, Qvarnström A. 2021. Homage to Felsenstein 1981, or why are there so few/many species? Evolution 75(5): 978-988. Abstract
  • Chamberlain CJ, Cook BI, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Climate change reshapes the drivers of false spring risk across European trees. New Phytologist 229: 323-334. Abstract
  • Chamberlain CJ, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Late spring freezes coupled with warming winters alter temperate tree phenology and growth. New Phytologist 231: 987-995. Abstract
  • Dial DT, Weglarz KM^, Aremu AO, Havill NP, Pearson TA, et al. 2021. Transitional genomes and nutritional role reversals identified for dual symbionts of adelgids (Aphidoidea: Adelgidae). The ISME Journal 16(3):642–54. Abstract
  • Edwards MB, Choi GPT, Derieg NJ, Min Y, Diana AC, et al. 2021. Genetic architecture of floral traits in bee- and hummingbird-pollinated sister species of Aquilegia (columbine). Evolution 75: 2197-216. Abstract
  • Ettinger AK*, Buonaiuto DM, Chamberlain CJ, Morales-Castilla I, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Spatial and temporal shifts in photoperiod with climate change. New Phytologist 230: 462-474. Abstract
  • Eyster HN^^, Wolkovich EM. 2021. Comparisons in the native and introduced ranges reveal little evidence of climatic adaptation in germination traits. Climate Change Ecology 2: 100023. Abstract
  • Goulet-Scott BE, Garner AG, Hopkins R. 2021. Genomic analyses overturn two long-standing homoploid hybrid speciation hypotheses. Evolution 75(7): 1699-1710. Abstract
  • Griffith MP, Cartwright F, Dosmann M, Fant J, Freid E, et al. 2021. Ex Situ Conservation of Large and Small Plant Populations Illustrates Limitations of Common Conservation Metrics. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 182(4):263–76. Abstract
  • Grossman JJ*. 2021. Evidence of constrained divergence and conservatism in climatic niches of the temperate Maples (Acer L.). Forests 12(5): 535. Abstract
  • Hundertmark WJ, Lee M, Smith IA, Bang AHY^^, Chen V^^, Gately C, Templer PH, Hutyra LR. 2021. Influence of landscape management practices on urban greenhouse gas budgets. Carbon Balance Management 16(1): 1. Abstract
  • Kovaleski AP*, Grossman JJ*. 2021. Standardization of electrolyte leakage data and a novel liquid nitrogen control improve measurements of cold hardiness in woody tissue. Plant Methods 17: 53. (APK and JJG contributed equally) Abstract
  • Losada JM, Díaz M, Holbrook NM. 2021. Idioblasts and peltate hairs as distribution networks for water absorbed by xerophilous leaves. Plant Cell & Environment 44: 1346-1360. Abstract
  • Mahoney JD^, Brand MH. 2021. Pre- and postzygotic barriers associated with intergeneric hybridization between Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott x Pyrus communis L. and ×Sorbaronia dippelii (Zabel) CK Schneid. x Pyrus communis. HortScience 56(2): 177-184. Abstract
  • Primack RB, Ellwood ER, Gallinat AS, Miller-Rushing AJ. 2021. The growing and vital role of botanical gardens in climate change research. New Phytologist 231: 917-932. Abstract
  • Sapkota S, Boggess SL, Trigiano RN, Klingeman WE, Hadziabdic D, Coyle DR, Olukolu BA, Kuster RD, Nowicki M. 2021. Microsatellite loci reveal genetic diversity of Asian Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) in the species native range and in the North American cultivars. Life 11: 531
  • Schoonderwoerd KM, Friedman WE. 2021. Naked resting bud morphologies and their taxonomic and geographic distributions in temperate, woody floras. New Phytologist 232: 523-536. Abstract,
  • Soper FM, Taylor BN, Winbourne JB, Wong MY, Dynarski KA, et al. 2021. A roadmap for sampling and scaling biological nitrogen fixation in terrestrial ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1122-1137. Abstract
  • Spriggs EL*, Fertakos ME^^. 2021. Evolution of Castanea in North America: restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing and ecological modeling reveal a history of radiation, range shifts, and disease. American Journal of Botany 108: 1692-704. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Friedman WE. 2021. From cells to stems: the effects of primary vascular construction on drought-induced embolism in fern rhizomes. New Phytologist 232: 2238-2253. Abstract
  • Suissa JS, Sundue MA, Testo WL. 2021. Mountains, climate and niche heterogeneity explain global patterns of fern diversity. Journal of Biogeography 48: 1296-1308. Abstract
  • Taylor BN, Menge DNL. 2021. Light, nitrogen supply, and neighboring plants dictate costs and benefits of nitrogen fixation for seedlings of a tropical nitrogen-fixing tree. New Phytologist 231: 1758-1769. Abstract


  • Blumstein M, Richardson A, Weston D, Zhang J, Muchero W, Hopkins R. 2020. Protocol for projecting allele frequency change under future climate change at adaptive-associated loci. STAR Protocols. 1(2):100061.
  • Blumstein M, Richardson A, Weston D, Zhang J, Muchero W, Hopkins R. 2020. A new perspective on ecological prediction reveals limits to climate adaptation in a temperate tree species. Curr Biol. 30(8):1447-1453.e4.
  • Clerx LE, Rockwell FE, Savage JA, Holbrook NM. 2020. Ontogenetic scaling of phloem sieve tube anatomy and hydraulic resistance with tree height in Quercus rubra. Am J Bot. 107(6):852–63.
  • De La Pascua DR, Smith‐Winterscheidt C^^, Dowell JA, Goolsby EW, Mason CM*. 2020. Evolutionary trade‐offs in the chemical defense of floral and fruit tissues across genus Cornus. Appl Plant Sci. 107(9):1260–73 Abstract.
  • Del Tredici P, Kehm WH. 2020. The spontaneous ecology of Tommy Thompson Park. In Accidental Wilderness, pp. 31-34: University of Toronto Press
  • Ettinger AK*, Chamberlain CJ, Morales-Castilla I, Buonaiuto DM, Flynn DFB, Savas T, Samaha JA, Wolkovich EM. 2020. Winter temperatures predominate in spring phenological responses to warming. Nat Clim Chang. 10(12):1137–42.
  • Friedman WE, Endress PK. 2020. Alexander Moritzi, a Swiss pre-Darwinian evolutionist: Insights into the creationist-transmutationist debates of the 1830s and 1840s. J Hist Biol. 53(4):549–85.
  • Griffith MP, Clase T, Toribio P, Piñeyro YE, Jimenez F, … Dosmann M, et al. 2020. Can a Botanic Garden Metacollection Better Conserve Wild Plant Diversity? A Case Study Comparing Pooled Collections with an Ideal Sampling Model. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 181(5):485–96. Abstract
  • Hoban S, Callicrate T, Clark J, Deans S, Dosmann M, Fant J, Gailing O, Havens K, Hipp AL, Kadav P, Kramer AT, Lobdell M, Magellan T, Meerow AW, Meyer A, Pooler M, Sanchez V, Spence E, Thompson P, Toppila R, Walsh S, Westwood M, Wood J, Griffith MP. 2020. Taxonomic similarity does not predict necessary sample size for ex situ conservation: a comparison among five genera. Proc R Soc B. 287(1926):20200102.
  • Kharouba HM, Wolkovich EM. 2020. Disconnects between ecological theory and data in phenological mismatch research. Nat Clim Chang. 10(5):406–15.
  • Kinosian SP, Suissa JS. 2020. The mothers of Pteridology. American Fern Journal 110(1): 3-19
  • Mason CM*, LaScaleia MC^^, De La Pascua DR, Monroe JG, Goolsby EW. 2020. Learning from dynamic traits: Seasonal shifts yield insights into ecophysiological trade-offs across scales from macroevolutionary to intraindividual. Int J Plant Sci. 181: 88-102.
  • Meaders C, Min Y, Freedberg KJ, Kramer E. 2020. Developmental and molecular characterization of novel staminodes in Aquilegia. Ann Bot. 126: 231-243.
  • Min Y, Kramer EM. 2020. Transcriptome profiling and weighted gene co-expression network analysis of early floral development in Aquilegia coerulea. Scientific Reports 10: 19637. Abstract
  • Morales-Castilla I, García de Cortázar-Atauri I, Cook BI, Lacombe T, Parker A, van Leeuwen C, Nicholas KA, Wolkovich EM. 2020. Diversity buffers winegrowing regions from climate change losses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 117(6):2864–69.
  • Povilus RA, DaCosta JM, Grassa C, Satyaki PRV, Moeglein M, Jaenisch J, Xi Z, Mathews S, Gehring M, Davis CC, Friedman WE. 2020. Water lily (Nymphaea thermarum) genome reveals variable genomic signatures of ancient vascular cambium losses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 117(15):8649–56.
  • Rubinstein J, Dosmann M. 2020. Neotypification of the Interspecific Hybrid Pterocarya ×rehderiana (Juglandaceae) Originating at the Arnold Arboretum. Novon, A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. 28(4):232–34. Abstract
  • Salzman S, Crook D, Crall JD, Hopkins R, Pierce NE. 2020. An ancient push-pull pollination mechanism in cycads. Sci Adv. 6(24): eaay6169.
  • Suni SS, Ainsworth B^^, Hopkins R. 2020. Local adaptation mediates floral responses to water limitation in an annual wildflower. Am J Bot. 107: 209-218.
  • Suissa JS. 2020. Polycyclic solenostele, a new synapomorphy for Pteris sect. Litobrochia. American Fern Journal 110(3): 127-138.
  • Suissa JS, Green WA. 2020. CO2 starvation experiments provide support for the carbon-limited hypothesis on the evolution of CAM-like photosynthesis in Isoëtes. Annals of Botany 127(1): 135-141.
  • Suissa JS, Sundue MA. 2020. Diversity patterns of neotropical ferns: Revisiting Tryon’s centers of richness and endemism. American Fern Journal 110: 211-232.
  • Tanner K, Mancuso CP, Peretó J, Khalil AS, Vilanova C, Pascual J. 2020. Sphingomonas solaris sp. nov., isolated from a solar panel in Boston, Massachusetts. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 70: 1814-1821.
  • Ziemińska K*, Rosa E^^, Gleason SM, Holbrook NM. Wood day capacitance is related to water content, wood density, and anatomy across 30 temperate tree species. Plant Cell Environ. 43: 3048– 3067.
  • Zinkgraf M, Zhao S-T, Canning C, Gerttula S, Lu M-Z, Filkov V, Groover A. 2020. Evolutionary network genomics of wood formation in a phylogenetic survey of angiosperm forest trees. New Phytol. 228: 1811-23.


  • Aguirre-Gutiérrez J, Oliveras I, Rifai S, Fauset S, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Feldpausch TR, Gvozdevaite A, Hubau W, Kraft NJB, Lewis SL, Moore S, Niinemets Ü, Peprah T, Phillips OL, Ziemińska K*, Enquist B, Malhi Y. 2019. Drier tropical forests are susceptible to functional changes in response to a long-term drought. Ecol Lett. 22: 855-865.
  • Chamberlain CJ, Cook BI, Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri I, Wolkovich EM. 2019. Rethinking False Spring Risk. Global Change Biology 25: 2209-2220.
  • Davies TJ, Regetz J, Wolkovich EM, McGill BJ. 2019. Phylogenetically weighted regression: A method for modelling non-stationarity on evolutionary trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(2):275–85.
  • Ettinger AK*, Chuine I, Cook BI, Dukes JS, Ellison AM, Johnston MR, Panetta AM, Rollinson CR, Vitasse Y, Wolkovich EM. 2019. How do climate change experiments alter plot-scale climate? Ecol Lett. 22: 748-763.
  • Grossman JJ*, Cavender-Bares J. 2019. Consequences of biodiversity shift across phylogenetic scales for aspen and willow growth, survival, and herbivory. J Veg Sci. 30: 301– 311.
  • Grossman JJ*, Cavender‐Bares J, Reich PB, Montgomery RA, Hobbie SE. 2019. Neighborhood diversity simultaneously increased and decreased susceptibility to contrasting herbivores in an early stage forest diversity experiment. J Ecol. 107: 1492– 1505.
  • Joly S, Flynn DFB, Wolkovich EM. 2019. On the importance of accounting for intraspecific genomic relatedness in multi-species studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10(7):994–1001.
  • Leslie AB, Losada JM. 2019. Reproductive Ontogeny and the Evolution of Morphological Diversity in Conifers and Other Plants. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59(3):548–58.
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  • Losada JM, Herrero M, Hormaza JI, Friedman WE. 2014. Arabinogalactan proteins mark stigmatic receptivity in the protogynous flowers of Magnolia virginiana (Magnoliaceae). American Journal of Botany 101: 1963-1975.
  • Panchen ZA, Primack RB, Nordt B, Ellwood ER, Stevens AD, Renner SS, Willis CG, Fahey R, Whittemore A, Du Y, Davis CC. 2014. Leaf out times of temperate woody plants are related to phylogeny, deciduousness, growth habit, and wood anatomy. New Phytologist 203: 1208-1219.
  • Wolkovich EM, Allesina S, Cottingham KL, Moore JC, Sandin SA, De Mazancourt C. 2014. Linking the green and brown worlds: the prevalence and effect of multichannel feeding in food webs. Ecology 95: 3376-3386.
  • Wolkovich EM and Cleland EE. 2014. Phenological niches and the future of invaded ecosystems with climate change. AoB PLANTS 6: plu013.
  • Wolkovich EM, Cook BI, and Davies TJ. 2014. Progress towards an interdisciplinary science of plant phenology: building predictions across space, time and species diversity. New Phytologist 201: 1156-1162.
  • Wolkovich EM, Cook BI, Mclauchlan KK, Davies TJ. 2014. Temporal ecology in the Anthropocene. Ecology Letters 17: 1365-1379.
  • Wolkovich EM, Ettinger AK*. 2014. Back to the future for plant phenology research. New Phytologist 203: 1021-1024.
  • Zuppinger-Dingley D, Schmid B, Petermann JS, Yadav V, De Deyn GB, Flynn DFB. 2014. Selection for niche differentiation in plant communities increases biodiversity effects. Nature 515: 108-111.


  • Friedman WE. Plant science. One genome, two ontogenies. Science 339: 1045–6. (Invited perspective)
  • Friedman WE, Bachelier JB. Seed development in Trimenia (Trimeniaceae) and its bearing on the evolution of embryo-nourishing strategies in early flowering plant lineages. American Journal of Botany 100: 906-915.
  • Hao G-Y*, Lucero ME, Sanderson SC, Zacharias EH, Holbrook NM. 2013. Polyploidy enhances the occupation of heterogeneous environments through hydraulic related trade-offs in Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae). New Phytologist 197: 970–8
  • Hao G-Y*, Wang A-Y, Sack L, Goldstein G, Cao K-F. 2013. Is hemiepiphytism an adaptation to high irradiance? Testing seedling responses to light levels and drought in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus. Physiologia Plantarum 148: 74-86.
  • Hao G-Y*, Wheeler JK, Holbrook NM, Goldstein G. 2013. Investigating xylem embolism formation, refilling and water storage in tree trunks using frequency domain reflectometry. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 2321-2332.
  • Jensen KH, Zwieniecki MA. Physical Limits to Leaf Size in Tall Trees. Physical Review Letters 110.
  • Losada JM, Herrero M. 2013. The influence of the progamic phase for fruiting in the apple tree. Annals of Applied Biology 163: 82-90.
  • Losada JM, Herrero M. 2013. Flower strategy and stigma performance in the apple inflorescence. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 283-289.
  • McNeal JR, Bennett JR, Wolfe AD and Mathews S. 2013. Phylogeny and origins of holoparasitism in Orobanchaceae. American Journal of Botany 100: 971-983.
  • Prior N, Little SA, Pirone C*, Gill JE, Smith D, Han J, Hardie  D, O’Leary SJB, Wagner RE, Cross T, Coulter A, Borchers C, Olafson RW, and von Aderkas P. 2013. Application of proteomics to the study of pollination drops. Applications in Plant Science 1: 1300008.
  • Stoltzfus A, Lapp H, Matasci N, Deus H, Sidlauskas B, Zmasek C, Vaidya G, Pontelli E, Cranston K, Vos R, Webb C, Harmon L, Pirrung M, O’Meara B, Pennell M, Mirarab S, Rosenberg M, Balhoff J, Bik H, Heath T, Midford P, Brown J, McTavish E, Sukumaran J, Westneat M, Alfaro M, Steele A, and Jordan G. 2013. Phylotastic! Making tree-of-life knowledge accessible, reusable and convenient. BMC Bioinformatics 14:158.
  • Wu C-C, Diggle PK, Friedman WE. Kin recognition within a seed and the effect of genetic relatedness of an endosperm to its compatriot embryo on maize seed development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110: 2217–22.


  • Baker RL, Hileman LC, Diggle PK. Patterns of shoot architecture in locally adapted populations are linked to intraspecific differences in gene regulation. New Phytologist 196: 271–81.
  • Boyce CK, Zwieniecki MA. Leaf fossil record suggests limited influence of atmospheric CO2 on terrestrial productivity prior to angiosperm evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109: 10403–8.
  • Dick C, Webb C. Plant DNA barcodes, taxonomic management, and species discovery in tropical forests. Methods Mol Biol. 858: 379–93.
  • Dosmann M, Groover A. 2012. The importance of living botanical collections for plant biology and the “next generation” of evo-devo research. Frontiers in Plant Science 3: 137.
  • Friedman WE, Bachelier JB, Hormaza JI. Embryology in Trithuria submersa (Hydatellaceae) and relationships between embryo, endosperm, and perisperm in early-diverging flowering plants. American Journal of Botany 99: 1083–95.
  • Gilbert GS, Magarey R, Suiter K, Webb CO. 2012. Evolutionary tools for phytosanitary risk analysis: phylogenetic signal as a predictor of host range of plant pests and pathogens. Evolutionary Applications 5: 869–78.
  • Katabuchi M, Kurokawa H, Davies SJ, Tan S, Nakashizuka T. 2012. Soil resource availability shapes community trait structure in a species-rich dipterocarp forest. Journal of Ecology 100: 643-651.
  • Kretzschmar T, Kohlen W, Sasse J, Borghi L, Schlegel M, Bachelier JB, Reinhardt D, Bours R, Bouwmeester HJ, Martinoia E. 2012. A petunia ABC protein controls strigolactone-dependent symbiotic signalling and branching. Nature 483: 341–344.
  • Leslie AB. 2012. Branching habit and the allocation of reproductive resources in conifers. Annals of Botany 110: 915-921.
  • Leslie AB, Beaulieu JM, Rai HS, Crane PR, Donoghue MJ, Mathews S. 2012. Hemisphere-scale differences in conifer evolutionary dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109: 16217–21.
  • Losada JM, Herrero M. 2012. Arabinogalactan-protein secretion is associated with the acquisition of stigmatic receptivity in the apple flower. Annals of Botany 110: 573–84.
  • Mathews S, Kramer EM. 2012. The evolution of reproductive structures in seed plants: a re-examination based on insights from developmental genetics. New Phytologist 194: 910–23.
  • Mathews S, Tremonte D. Tests of the Link between Functional Innovation and Positive Selection at Phytochrome A: The Phylogenetic Distribution of Far-Red High-Irradiance Responses in Seedling Development. Int J Plant Sci. 173: 662-672.
  • Secchi F, Zwieniecki M. Analysis of xylem sap from functional (nonembolized) and nonfunctional (embolized) vessels of Populus nigra: chemistry of refilling. Plant Physiol. 160: 955–64.
  • Swenson NG, Stegen JC, Davies SJ, Erickson DL, Forero-Montaña J, Hurlber, AK, Kress WJ, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Wright SJ, Zimmerman JK. 2012. Temporal turnover in the composition of tropical tree communities: functional determinism and phylogenetic stochasticity. Ecology 93:490-9.
  • Tsuchimatsu T, Kaiser P, Yew C-L, Bachelier JB, Shimizu KK. 2012. Recent loss of self-incompatibility by degradation of the male component in allotetraploid Arabidopsis kamchatica. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002838.
  • Xi Z, Ruhfel BR, Schaefer H, Amorim AM, Sugumaran M, Wurdack KJ, Endress PK, Matthews ML, Stevens PF, Mathews S, Davis CC. 2012. Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109: 17519–24.
  • Zhao L, Bachelier JB, Chang H-L, Tian X-H, Ren Y. 2012. Inflorescence and floral development in Ranunculus and three allied genera in Ranunculeae (Ranunculoideae, Ranunculaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 298: 1057-1071.


  • Arias RS, Techen N, Rinehart TA, Olsen RT, Kirkbride Jr JH, Scheffler BE. 2011. Development of simple sequence repeat markers for Chionanthus retusus (Oleaceae) and effective discrimination of closely related taxa. HortScience 46: 23-29.
  • Azuma H, Figlar RB, Del Tredici P, Camelbeke K, Palmarola-Bejerano A, Romanov MS. 2011. Intraspecific sequence variation of cpDNA shows two distinct groups within Magnolia virginiana of eastern North America and Cuba. Castanea 76: 118–123.
  • Bachelier JB, Friedman WE. Female gamete competition in an ancient angiosperm lineage. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108: 12360–5. (Faculty of 1000 recommended)
  • Baker RL, Diggle PK. 2011. Node-specific branching and heterochronic changes underlie population-level differences in Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae) shoot architecture. American Journal of Botany 98: 1924–34. (Cover image)
  • Davis MA, Chew MK, Hobbs RJ, Lugo AE, Ewel JJ, Vermeij GJ, Brown JH, Rosenzweig ML, Gardener MR, Carroll SP, Thompson K, Pickett ST, Stromberg JC, Del Tredici P, Suding KN, Ehrenfeld JG, Grime JP, Mascaro J, Briggs JC. 2011. Don’t judge species on their origins. Nature 474: 153–4.
  • Dean D, Wadl PA, Wang X, Klingeman WE, Ownley BH, Rinehart TA, Scheffler BE, Trigiano RN. 2011. Screening and characterization of 11 novel microsatellite markers from Viburnum dilatatum. HortScience 46(11): 1456-1459.
  • Feeley KJ, Davies SJ, Perez R, Hubbell SP, Foster RB. 2011. Directional changes in the species composition of a tropical forest. Ecology 92: 871–82.
  • Friedman WE. Plant genomics: Homoplasy heaven in a lycophyte genome. Current Biology 21: 554-556.
  • Friedman WE, Diggle PK. 2011. Charles Darwin and the origins of plant evolutionary developmental biology. Plant Cell 23: 1194–207.
  • Guo S-Q, Xiong M, Ji C-F, Zhang Z-R, Li D-Z, Zhang Z-Y. 2011. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of Osmanthus Lour. (Oleaceae) and related genera based on three chloroplast intergenic spacers. Plant Systematics and Evolution 294: 57-64.
  • Ishikawa M, Murata T, Sato Y, Nishiyama T, Hiwatash Y, Imai A, Kimura M, Sugimoto N, Akita A, Oguri Y, Friedman WE, Hasebe M, Kubo M. 2011. Physcomitrella cyclin-dependent kinase A links cell cycle reactivation to other cellular changes during reprogramming of leaf cells. Plant Cell 23: 2924-2938.
  • Jensen KH, Lee J, Bohr T, Bruus H, Holbrook NM, Zwieniecki MA. Optimality of the Münch mechanism for translocation of sugars in plants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8: 1155–1165. (Faculty of 1000 “Must Read”)
  • Karlova R, Rosin FM, Busscher-Lange J, Parapunova V, Do PT, Fernie AR, Fraser PD, Baxter C, Angenent GC, de Maagd RA. 2011. Transcriptome and metabolite profiling show that APETALA2a is a major regulator of tomato fruit ripening. Plant Cell 23: 923–41.
  • Kettle CJ, Ghazoul J, Ashton P, Cannon CH, Chong L, Diway B, Faridah E, Harrison R, Hector A, Hollingsworth P, Koh LP, Khoo E, Kitayama K, Kartawinata K, Marshall AJ, Maycock C, Nanami S, Paoli G, Potts MD, Samsoedin I, Sheil D, Tan S, Tomoaki I, Webb C, Yamakura T, Burslem DFRP. 2011. Seeing the fruit for the trees in Borneo. Conservation Letters 4: 184-191.
  • Nagalingum NS, Marshall CR, Quental TB, Rai HS, Little DP, Mathews S. 2011. Recent synchronous radiation of a living fossil. Science 334: 796–9.
  • Neyland R, Merchant M. (2011). The Phylogenetic Position Of Subfamily Monotropoideae (Ericaceae) Inferred From Large Ribosomal Subunit (26S) rRNA Gene DNA Sequences. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 56: 190-196.
  • Secchi F, Gilbert ME, Zwieniecki MA. 2011.Transcriptome response to embolism formation in stems of Populus trichocarpa provides insight into signaling and the biology of refilling. Plant Physiology 157: 1419–29.
  • Slik JW, Aiba S-I, Bastian M, Brearley FQ, Cannon CH, Eichhorn KA, Fredriksson G, Kartawinata K, Laumonier Y, Mansor A, Marjokorpi A, Meijaard E, Morley RJ, Nagamasu H, Nilus R, Nurtjahya E, Payne J, Permana A, Poulsen A, Raes N, Riswan S, van Schaik CP, Sheil D, Sidiyasa K, Suzuki E, van Valkenburg J, Webb CO, Wich S, Yoneda T, Zakaria R, Zweifel N. 2011. Soils on exposed Sunda shelf shaped biogeographic patterns in the equatorial forests of Southeast Asia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108: 12343–7.
  • Wu C-C, Diggle PK, Friedman WE. 2011. Female gametophyte development and double fertilization in Balsas teosinte, Zea mays subsp. parviglumis (Poaceae). Sexual Plant Reproduction 24: 219-229.
  • Zwieniecki MA, Dumais J. 2011. Quantifying green life: grand challenges in plant biophysics and modeling. Frontiers in Plant Science 2: 31.


  • Byard S, Wisniewski M, Li J, Karlson D. 2010. Interspecific alalysis of xylem freezing responses in Acer and Betula. HortScience 45(1): 165-168.
  • Li JH, Zhang Z. 2010. Sequences of 72 plastid genes support the early divergence of Cornales in the asterids. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48(6): 426-434.
  • Schulhof R. 2010. Lessons learned: managing biological invasion on Hemlock Hill (Massachusetts). Ecological Restoration 28(2): 129-131.
  • Sun Y, Zhang D. 2010. Cold hardiness of Ilex glabra cultivars from field trials and laboratory tests. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 28:191-196.
  • Templer PH, McCann TM. 2010. Effects of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Nitrogen Losses from Urban and Rural Northern Forest Ecosystems. Ecosystems 13(8): 1215-1226.
  • Zhang Z, Li C, and Li JH. 2010. Conflicting phylogenies of Section Macrantha (Acer, Aceroideae, Sapindaceae) based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Systematic Botany 35(4): 801-810.


  • Archetti M. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis reveals a scattered distribution of autumn colours. Annals of Botany 103(5): 703-713.
  • Lo EYY, Stefanovic S, Christensen KI, Dickinson TA. 2009. Evidence for genetic association between East Asian and western North American Crataegus L. (Rosaceae) and rapid divergence of the eastern North American lineages based on multiple DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51(2): 157-168.
  • Miller-Rushing AJ, Primack RB, Templer PH, Rathbone S, Mukunda S. 2009. Long-term relationships among atmospheric CO2, stomata, and intrinsic water use efficiency in individual trees. American Journal of Botany 96(10): 1779-1786.
  • Smith SA. 2009. Taking into account phylogenetic and divergence-time: uncertainty in a parametric biogeographical analysis of the northern hemisphere plant clade Caprifolieae. Journal of Biogeography 36(12): 2324-2337.


  • Benedict JC, Pigg KB, DeVore ML. 2008. Hamawilsonia boglei gen. et sp. nov. (Hamamelidaceae) from the Late Paleocene Almont Flora of Central North Dakota. Int J Plant Sci. 169(5): 687-700.
  • Li JH. 2008. Sequences of low-copy nuclear gene support the monophyly of Ostrya and paraphyly of Carpinus (Betulaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46:333-340.
  • Havill NP, Campbell CS, Vining TF, LePage B, Bayer RJ, Donoghue MJ. 2008. Phylogeny and Biogeography of Tsuga (Pinaceae) Inferred from Nuclear Ribosomal ITS and Chloroplast DNA Sequence Data. Systematic Botany 33(3): 478-48.
  • Miller-Rushing AJ, Primack RB. 2008. Effects of winter temperatures on two birch (Betula) species. Tree Physiology 28(4): 659-664.
  • Theis N, Donoghue MJ, Li JH. 2008. Phylogenetics of the Caprifoliaceae and Lonicera (Dipsacales) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. Systematic Botany 33(4): 776-783.
  • Winkworth RC, Bell CD, Donoghue MJ. 2008. Mitochondrial sequence data and Dipsacales phylogeny: mixed models, partitioned Bayesian analyses, and model selection. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46(3): 830-843.
  • Wolfe BE, Rodgers VL, Stinson KA, Pringle A. 2008. The invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard) inhibits ectomycorrhizal fungi in its introduced range. Journal of Ecology 96(4): 777-783.
  • Xiang QY, Thorne JL, Seo TK, Zhang W, Thomas DT, Ricklefs RE. 2008. Rates of nucleotide substitution in Cornaceae (Cornales)—pattern of variation and underlying causal factors. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49(1): 327-342.
  • Zhang WH, Xiang QY, Thomas DT, Wiegmann BM, Frohlich MW, Soltis DE. 2008. Molecular evolution of PISTILLATA-like genes in the dogwood genus Cornus (Cornaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47(1): 175-195.


  • Bruneau A, Starr JR, Joly S. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Rosa: new evidence from chloroplast DNA sequences and an appraisal of current knowledge. Systematic Botany 32(2): 366-378.
  • Del Tredici P. 2007. The phenology of sexual reproduction in Ginkgo biloba: ecological and evolutionary implications. The Botanical Review 73(4): 267-278.
  • Li JH, Shoup S, Chen Z. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships of diploid species of Betula (Betulaceae) inferred from DNA sequences of nuclear nitrate reductase. Systematic Botany 32(2): 357-365.
  • Lo EYY, Stefanović S, Dickinson TA. 2007. Molecular reappraisal of relationships between Crataegus and Mespilus (Rosaceae, Pyreae): two genera or one? Systematic Botany 32(3): 596-616.
  • Magallón S. 2007. From Fossils to Molecules: Phylogeny and the core eudicot floral groundplan in Hamamelidoideae (Hamamelidaceae, Saxifragales). Systematic Botany 32(2): 317-347.
  • Potter D, Eriksson T, Evans RC, Oh S, Smedmark JEE, Morgan DR, Kerr M, Robertson KR, Arsenault M, Dickinson TA, Campbell CS. 2007. Phylogeny and classification of Rosaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution 266(1-2): 5-43.
  • Potter D, Still SM, Grebenc T, Ballian D, Bozic G, Franjiae J, Kraigher H. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships in tribe Spiraeeae (Rosaceae) inferred from nucleotide sequence data. Plant Systematics and Evolution 266(1-2): 105-118.
  • Havill NP, Footit RG, von Dohlen CD. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in the Adelgidae (Insecta: Hemiptera) inferred from molecular phylogenetics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 357-370.
  • Poon W-S, Shaw P-C, Simmons MP,  But PP-H. 2007. Congruence of molecular, morphological, and biochemical profiles in Rutaceae: a cladistic analysis of the subfamilies Rutoideae and Toddalioideae. Systematic Botany 32(4): 837-846.
  • Yi TS, Miller AJ, Wen J. 2007. Phylogeny of Rhus (Anacardiaceae) based on sequences of nuclear Nia-i3 intron and chloroplast trnC-trnD. Systematic Botany 32(2): 379-391.


  • Havill NP, Montgomery ME, Yu G, Shiyake S, Caccone A. 2006. Mitochondrial DNA from hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) suggests cryptic speciation and pinpoints the source of the introduction to eastern North America. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 195-203.
  • LaGreca S,Stutzman BW. 2006. Distribution and ecology of Lecanora conizaeoides (Lecanoraceae) in eastern Massachusetts. The Bryologist 109(3): 335-347.
  • Lehrer JM, Brand MH, Lubell JD. 2006. Seedling populations produced by colored-leaf genotypes of Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.) contain seedlings with green leaf phenotype. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 24(3): 133-136.
  • Li JH, Yue J, Shoup S. 2006. Phylogenetics of Acer (Aceroideae, Sapindaceae) based on nucleotide sequences of two chloroplast non-coding regions. Harvard Papers in Botany 11: 101-115.
  • Matsuura K. 2006. A novel hypothesis for the origin of the sexual division of labor in termites: which sex should be soldiers? Evolutionary Ecology 20(6): 565-574.
  • Miller-Rushing AJ, Primack RB, Primack D, Mukunda S. 2006. Photographs and herbarium specimens as tools to document phenological changes in response to global warming. American Journal of Botany 93(11): 1667-1674.
  • Pontius JA, Hallett RA, Jenkins JC. 2006. Foliar chemistry linked to infestation and susceptibility to hemlock woolly adelgid (Homoptera: Adelgidae). Environmental Entomology 35(1): 112-120.
  • Xiang Q-Y, Thomas DT,  Zhang W, Manchester SR, Murrell Z. 2006. Species level phylogeny of the genus Cornus (Cornaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence—implications for taxonomy and Tertiary intercontinental migration. Taxon 55(1): 9-30.
  • Zanne AE, Sweeney K, Sharma M, Orians CM. 2006. Patterns and consequences of differential vascular sectoriality in 18 temperate tree and shrub species. Functional Ecology 20(2): 200-206.
  • Zwieniecki MA, Stone HA, Leigh A, Boyce CK, Holbrook NM. 2006. Hydraulic design of pine needles: one-dimensional optimization for single-vein leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment 29: 803-809.


  • Brinker AM, Raskin I. 2005. Determination of triptolide in root extracts of Tripterygium wilfordii by solid-phase extraction and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 1070(1-2): 65-70.
  • Campbell CS, Wright WA, Cox M, Vining TF, Major CS, Arsenault MP. 2005. Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) in Picea (Pinaceae): sequence divergence and structure. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35(1): 165-185.
  • Howarth DG, Donoghue MJ. 2005. Duplications in CYC-like genes from Dipsacales correlate with floral form. Int J Plant Sci. 166(3): 357-370.
  • Li JH, Shoup S, Chen ZD. 2005. Phylogenetics of Betula (Betulaceae) inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Rhodora 107(929): 69-86.
  • Li JH, Xiang QP. 2005. Phylogeny and biogeography of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae), an eastern Asian and North American disjunct genus. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47(6): 651-659.
  • Maier CT, 2005. Hosts, pattern of seasonal emergence and flight, and new distributional records of palearctic Pasiphila rectangulata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98: 214-218.
  • McGuire AF, Kron KA. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of European and African Ericas. Int J Plant Sci. 166(2): 311-318.
  • Oh SH, Potter D. 2005. Molecular phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of tribe Neillieae (Rosaceae) using DNA sequences of cpDNA, rDNA, and LEAFY. American Journal of Botany 92(1): 179-192.
  • Pooler MR, Dix RL, Griesbach RJ. 2005. Genetic diversity among accessions of the endangered box huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachycera) based on AFLP markers. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133(3): 439-448.
  • Talent N, Dickinson TA. 2005. Polyploidy in Crataegus and Mespilus (Rosaceae, Maloideae): Evolutionary inferences from flow cytometry of nuclear DNA amounts. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 1268-1304.
  • Winkworth RC, Donoghue MJ. 2005. Viburnum phylogeny based on combined molecular data: implications for taxonomy and biogeography. American Journal of Botany 92: 653-666.
  • Xiang QP, Li J. 2005. Derivation of Xanthocyparis and Juniperus from within Cupressus: Evidence from sequences of nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region. Harvard Papers in Botany 9: 375-382.
  • Xiang Q-Y, Manchester SR, Thomas DT, Zhang W, Fan C. 2005. Phylogeny, biogeography, and molecular dating of cornelian cherries (Cornus, Cornaceae): tracking Tertiary plant migration. Evolution 59(8): 1685-1700.


  • Bolmgren K, Oxelman B. 2004. Generic limits in Rhamnus L. s.l. (Rhamnaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence phylogenies. Taxon 53: 383-390.
  • Choat B, Jansen S, Zwieniecki MA, Smets E, Holbrook NM. 2004. Changes in pit membrane porosity due to deflection and stretching: the role of vestured pits. Journal of Experimental Botany 55(402): 1569-1575.
  • Chen Z, Li JH. 2004. Phylogenetics and biogeography of Alnus (Betulaceae) inferred from sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region. Int J Plant Sci. 165(2): 325-335.
  • Del Tredici P, Kitajima A. 2004. Introduction and cultivation of Chinese hemlock (Tsuga chinensis) and its resistance to hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae). Journal of Arboriculture 30(5): 282-286.
  • Donoghue MJ, Baldwin BG, Li J, Winkworth RC. 2004. Viburnum phylogeny based on chloroplast trnK intron and nuclear ribosomal ITS DNA sequences. Systematic Botany 29(1): 188-198.
  • Jansen S, Choat B, Vinckier S, Lens F, Schols P, Smets E. 2004. Intervascular pit membranes with a torus in the wood of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) and related genera. New Phytologist 163: 51-59.
  • Karlson DT, Xiang Q-Y, Stirm VE, Shirazi AM, Ashworth EN. 2004. Phylogenetic analyses in Cornus substantiate ancestry of xylem supercooling freezing behavior and reveal lineage of desiccation related proteins. Plant Physiology 135: 1654-1665.
  • Kim Y-D, Kim S-H, Landrum LR. 2004. Taxonomic and phytogeographic implications from ITS phylogeny in Berberis (Berberidaceae). Journal of Plant Research 117: 175-182.
  • Li JH, Ledger J, Del Tredici P, Zhang D. 2004. Identification of a heath-leaved cypress cultivar based on sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. HortScience 39(6): 1217-1219.
  • Li JH, Ledger J, Ward T,Del Tredici P. 2004. Phylogenetics of Calycanthaceae based on molecular and morphological data with a special reference to divergent paralogues of the nrDNA ITS region. Harvard Papers in Botany 9: 69-82.
  • Primack D, Imbres C, Primack RB, Miller-Rushing AJ, Del Tredici P. 2004. Herbarium specimens demonstrate earlier flowering times in response to warming in Boston. American Journal of Botany 91(8): 1260-1264.
  • Schultheis LM, Donoghue MJ. 2004. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Ribes (Grossulariaceae), with an emphasis on gooseberries (Subg. Grossularia). Systematic Botany 29(1): 77-96.
  • Winkworth RC, Donoghue MJ. 2004. Viburnum phylogeny: evidence from the duplicated nuclear gene GBSSI. Phylogenetics and Evolution 33: 109-126.
  • Xiang QYJ, Zhang WH, Ricklefs RE, Qian H, Chen ZD, Wen J, Li JH. 2004. Regional differences in rates of plant speciation and molecular evolution: A comparison between eastern Asia and eastern North America. Evolution 58(10): 2175-2184.
  • Zwieniecki MA, Boyce CK, Holbrook NM. 2004. Hydraulic limitations imposed by crown placement determine final size and shape of Quercus rubra L. leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment 27: 357-365.


  • Dosmann M, Del Tredici P. 2003. Plant introduction, distribution, and survival: A case study of the 1980 Sino-American Botanical Expedition. BioScience 53(6): 588-597.
  • Collins D, Mill RR, Möller M. 2003. Species separation of Taxus baccata, T. canadensis, and T. cuspidata (Taxaceae) and origins of their reputed hybrids inferred from RAPD and cpDNA data. American Journal of Botany 90(2): 175-182.
  • Fan C, Xiang Q-Y. 2003. Phylogenetic analyses of Cornales based on 26S rRNA and combined 26S rDNA-matK-rbcL sequence data. American Journal of Botany 90(9): 1357-1372.
  • Kramer EM, Di Stilio VS, Schlüter PM. 2003. Complex patterns of gene duplication in the APETALA3 and PISTILLATA lineages of the Ranunculaceae. Int J Plant Sci. 164(1): 1-11.
  • Li JH, Zhang DL, Donoghue MJ. 2003. Phylogeny and biogeography of Chamaecyparis (Cupressaceae) inferred from DNA sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. Rhodora 105(922): 106-117.
  • Maier CT. 2003. Distribution, hosts, abundance, and seasonal flight activity of the exotic leafroller, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96(5): 660-666.
  • Melcher PJ, Zwieniecki MA, Holbrook NM. 2003. Vulnerability of xylem vessels to cavitation in sugar maple. Scaling from individual vessels to whole branches. Plant Physiology 131: 1775-1780.
  • Schnabel A, McDonel PE, and Wendel JF. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships in Gleditsia (Leguminosae) based on ITS sequences. American Journal of Botany 90(2): 310-320.


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