North America-China Plant Exploration Consortium (NACPEC) is a group of member institutions with the objective of increasing ex situ conservation of plants from China. Since 1991, the group has explored the temperate zones of China for plant species that are compatible with the environment of the northeastern United States. The group has led numerous expeditions in China, and one in North America in 2019. The Arnold Arboretum has participated as a collecting partner in NACPEC expeditions since 1994.
NACPEC Archives
The Archives of the Arnold Arboretum is the repository of the NACPEC archives and stewards the records of the consortium. The collection includes trip reports, field notebooks, correspondence, meeting notes, agendas, budgets, plant records, publicity materials, photographs, ephemera, and other materials.
For questions or to consult this collection, please email the Arboretum Archives at hortlib@arnarb.harvard.edu.
NACPEC Expeditions List
The following contains a digest of all the NACPEC expeditions to date.
1991China Trip Beijing, Harbin, Changchun, Xian, Nanjing, Shanghai
- Participants
- Lawrence Lee 1, Peter Bristol 2, Paul Meyer 3
- Institution(s)
- 1U.S. National Arboretum, 2 Holden Arboretum, 3Morris Arboretum
- Plant(s) Collected
- Pinus
1993Plant Exploration Trip to Heilongjiang Province Heilongjiang Province, Ping Shan, Jian Shan Jiao, Fen Ling Preserve
- Participants
- Kris Bachtell 1, Peter Bristol 2, Paul Meyer 3, Gao Shi Xin 4, Jiu Jun 5
- Institution(s)
- 1 Morton Arboretum, 2 Holden Arboretum, 3 Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, 4 Heilongjiang Academy of Forestry, 5 Heilongjiang Academy of Forestry
1993Cui Tiecheng Collections Shaanxi
- Participants
- Cui Tiecheng
- Institution(s)
- Xi’an Botanic Garden
1994Expedition to Beijing Mountains Beijing
- Participants
- Kris R. Bachtell 1, Dr. Edward J. Garvey 2, Charles E. Tubesing 3
- Institution(s)
- sup>up>12U.S. National Arboretum, 3 Holden Arboretum
1994Wudang Shan Wudang Shan
- Participants
- Peter Del Tredici 1, Kevin Conrad
2, Paul Meyer 3, R. William Thomas 4, Deng Zhidong5, Zen Jaifu6, Hao Riming 7, Mao Cailaing8, Lu Yi9, Zang Kifa10 - Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arborertum, 2U.S. National Arboretum, 3Morris Arboretum, 4Longwood Gardens, 5Danjiangkou City Science and Technology Committee, 6Danjiangkou City Science and Technology Committee, 7Nanjing Botanic Garden, 8Nanjing Botanic Garden, 9Nanjing Botanic Garden, 10Nanjing Botanic Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Acer, Quercus, Pinus
1995Xian Botanical Garden and Shaanxi Province Shaanxi
- Participants
- Dr. Edward (Ned) Garvey1, Rick J. Lewandowski2, Cui Tiecheng3
- Institution(s)
- 1U.S. National Arboretum, 2 Morris Arboretum, 3Xian Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Magnolia
1996Quinling Mountains of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces Shaanxi, Gansu
- Participants
- Rick Lewandowski1, Kevin Conrad2, . James Ault3Dr, Kunso Kim4
- Institution(s)
- 1Morris Arboretum, 2U.S. National Arboretum, 3Longwood Gardens, 4Norfolk Botanical GHardens
1997Cui Tiecheng Collections Shaanxi
- Participants
- Cui Tiecheng
- Institution(s)
- Xi’an Botanic Garden
1997Expedition to Changbai Shan Changbai Shan (Jilin)
- Participants
- Kris Bachtell1, Peter Del Tredici2, Jeffrey Lynch3, Paul W. Meyer4, Charles Tubesing5, Wang Xian Li6, Cao Wei7, Sheng Ning8
- Institution(s)
- 1Morton Arboretum, 2Arnold Arboretum, 3Longwood Gardens, 4Morris Arboretum, 5Holden Arboretum, 6Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, 7Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, 8Nanjing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Ilex, Quercus, Ulmus
1998Expedition to East and Southeast China Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi
- Participants
- Rick Lewandowski1, Edward Garvey2, Li Weilin3, Wang Qing4
- Institution(s)
- 1Morris Arboretum, 2U.S. National Arboretum, 3Nanjing Botanical Garden, 4Nanjing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Tsuga
1999Expedition to Sichuan Sichuan
- Participants
- Shawn Belt1, Edward Garvey2, Jerry Stites3, Wang Qing4
- Institution(s)
- 1U.S. National Arboretum, 2U.S. National Arboretum, 3Longwood Gardens, 4Nanjing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Tsuga
2001Cui Tiecheng Collections Shaanxi
- Participants
- Cui Tiecheng
- Institution(s)
- Xi’an Botanic Garden
2002Expedition to Shanxi Shaanxi
- Participants
- Anthony Aiello1, Kris Bachtell2, Carole Bordelon3, Peter Bristol4, Tang Yudan5
- Institution(s)
- 1Morris Arboretum, 2Morton Arboretum, 3U.S. National Arboretum, 4Holden Arboretum (Chicago Botanic Garden), 5Beijing Botanical Garden IBCAS
2005Expedition to Gansu Gansu
- Participants
- Anthony Aiello1, Kris Bachtell2, Martin Scanlon3, Wang Kang4, Sun Xue-gang5
- Institution(s)
- 1Morris Arboretum, 2Morton Arboretum, 3U.S. National Arboretum, 4Beijing Botanical Garden, 5Forestry College of Gansu Agricultural University
- Plant(s) Collected
- Cercidiphyllum
2008Expedition to Shaanxi Shaanxi
- Participants
- Anthony Aiello1, Kris Bachtell2, Chris Carley3, Wang Kang4
- Institution(s)
- 1Morris Arboretum, 2Morton Arboretum, 3U.S. National Arboretum, 4Beijing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Fraxinus
2010Expedition to Shaanxi, Hebei, and Beijing Shaanxi, Hebei, Beijing
- Participants
- Michael Dosmann1, Anthony AielloAnthony AielloAnthony Aiello2, Wang Kang3
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arboretum, 2Morris Arboretum, 3Beijing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Acer, Fraxinus
2011Plant Exploration Trip to Shaanxi and Gansu Shaanxi , Gansu
- Participants
- Kunso Kim1, Paul Meyer2, Wang Kang3, Zhou Dakang4, Quan Jian (Jane)5, Cui Zhi Hou6, Wang Ting7, Bai Fangfang8, Pei Hui Ming9
- Institution(s)
- 1Morton Arboretum, 2, 3Beijing Botanical Garden, 4Beijing Botanical Garden, 5Beijing Botanical Garden, 6Beijing Botanical Garden, 7Tianjin Flowers and Trees Stock Service Center, 8Baoji Botanic Garden, 9Tiangshui Forestry Institute
2015Acer griseum Conservation Project Shaanxi
- Participants
- Michael Dosmann1, Anthony Aiello2, Kris Bachtell3, Wang Kang4
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arboretum, 2Morris Arboretum, 3Morton Arboretum, 4Beijing Botanical Garden
- Plant(s) Collected
- Acer
2016Sichuan Plant Collecting Expedition Sichuan
- Participants
- Michael Dosmann1, Anthony Aiello2, Wang Kang3
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold ArboretumArnold ArboretumArnold Arboretum, 2, 3
- Plant(s) Collected
- Acer, Syringa, Viburnum
2017Sichuan Plant Collecting Expedition Sichuan
- Participants
- Michael Dosmann1Michael Dosmann1, Andrew Gapinski1Andrew Gapinski1, Li Huaicheng2LI Huaicheng2, Quan Jian3, Wang Kang3, Jonathan Shaw4
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arboretum, 2Chengdu Institute of Biology, 3Beijing Botanical Garden, 4Harvard Magazine
2018Western Hubei Plant Collecting Expedition Hubei
- Participants
- Andrew Gapinski1, Liang Chengyuan2, Matt Lobdell3, Quan Jian4, Wang Kang4, Peter Zale5, Zhang Daigui6
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arboretum, 2Contracted driver, 3Morton Arboretum, 4Beijing Botanical Garden, 5Longwood Gardens, 6Jishou University
2019Expedition to Appalachia Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
- Participants
- Andrew Gapinski1, Sean Halloran1, Jared Rubinstein1, Xinfen Gao2, Kang Wang3, Angela Magnan4, Tao Deng5
- Institution(s)
- 1Arnold Arboretum, 2Chengdu Institute of Biology, 3Beijing Botanical Garden, 4U.S. National Arboretum, 5Kunming Institute of Botany
- Plant(s) Collected
- Populus , Viburnum , Buckleya