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Current and Past Art Shows

Laceleaf Japanese Maple, 2022, photograph copyright Vaughn Sills
photo of tree branches in a vase

Our art shows are offered in-person at the Hunnewell Building. The Hunnewell Building at 125 Arborway is open 9am–4pm daily. The Visitor Center and exhibition space are open every day from 10am–4pm, except when booked for other meetings or programs.

We are not currently accepting new proposals for indoor art shows, as the Arboretum is shifting focus to performance art and installations in the landscape. Artists who have already been offered an indoor show will hold their shows as planned.

Artists interested in submitting a proposal for an outdoor art installation should review the General Guidelines for Outdoor Art Exhibitions and then send a proposal to

Current Shows

Intimate Vistas: Images of Tree Bark

A series by Marc Goldring

Nov 03 , 2024 - Feb 26, 2025

Photographer Marc Goldring's work has always centered on finding the mysterious in the commonplace and bringing attention to objects and features which we otherwise might not have noticed at all. In this show, Marc attends to the bark of trees. He brings the camera in close to look at the details of the extraordinary variety of textures, colors and shapes of the bark of trees. Familiar or relatively exotic, the tree’s bark tells a story about the life of the tree, both of the species and of the particular individual. In this way we can better connect to, and understand on a visceral level, these common yet alien beings.

Closeup photo of bark

Ghost Trees: An Augmented Reality Exhibit

Sep 21 , 2024 - Mar 01, 2025

Ghost Trees is an augmented reality art show which celebrates the lives of five iconic Arboretum trees. Artist Sonia Ralston has skillfully recreated these beloved trees as 3-D digital models: visitors can scan a QR code at five signs around the Arboretum and see the trees superimposed on the landscape behind them, experiencing these iconic specimens as they once stood.

3-D digital model of a beech tree
Ghost Trees rendering of Fagus sylvatica

Past Shows

ramble, resilient spirits, the many moods of the arboretum, pursuing reality: possibilities, marsh kaleidoscope, intersections, still lives: plants of the arnold arboretum, close up and far away, artists redux/seen again: artists from the arnold arboretum’s website exhibitions, 2020-2022, intricate beauties: the lichen explorations of natalie andrew, the overstory by richard powers, handmade scroll by diane samuels,

  • Ramble

    A series by Esther Garcia Eder

    Nov 09, 2024 - Feb 03, 2025

    Ramble was a painted representation of tree and nature scenes from around the world: San Diego, France, Maine, and the Arnold Arboretum itself. The show embodied the awe and excitement that each encounter with nature inspired in the artist, and in countless other visitors to those same spots.

    Pink flowers painted on a green background
  • Resilient Spirits

    A series by Freda Shapiro

    Jun 14 - Oct 06, 2024

    As an artist, Shapiro seeks out visuals that resonate with her concerns around troubling environmental, political, or societal issues. She portrays some of these intersections through themes of nature’s resilience and decay, centering her artwork around the forgotten detritus found on her frequent explorations, and the endurance and survival instincts that the natural world shows even through hard times. Resilient Spirits highlighted such resilience, reminding us of a time when the Arboretum lays cold and dormant, even as we saw new growth and blooms in the heat of summer.

    A painting of a reddish shrub in wintertime
  • The Many Moods of the Arboretum

    A series by Fran Gardino

    Feb 23 - Jun 09, 2024

    The Many Moods of the Arboretum was a series of digital photographs taken across the Arboretum over the last 10 years. These images were captured in a sequence of still images and then stitched together into panoramas, showing the full breadth of the landscape better than a single square image ever could. This exhibition captured the beauty and uniqueness of Arboretum trees and landscapes through the cycling of days and seasons, further underlined by the "Little Planet" square-format images in which panoramas are curved back on themselves to create circular images that reflect the cycles of the earth itself.

    A panorama of a grassy field with flowering trees in the background, curved back on itself to create a circular image.
  • Pursuing Reality: Possibilities

    A series by Jo-Anne Green

    Oct 20, 2023 - Feb 18, 2024

    Pursuing Reality: Possibilities, was a series of photocollages and digital prints about patterns and networks in nature, including trees, mycelia, rivers and streams, and the human brain. It utilized images found on the world wide web, social networks, Katie Holten's Irish Tree Alphabet, and Jo-Anne’s own photographs, mostly taken at The Arnold Arboretum. It was an interconnected series produced by an interconnected community.

    Collage with pictures of trees and hyphae
  • Marsh Kaleidoscope

    A painting series by Pamela Tarbell

    Jun 25 - Oct 08, 2023

    Marshes and wetlands are key to our entire ecosystem. They clean and filter water while providing habitat for numerous birds, amphibians, and insects. They are also visually exciting to walk through: their multiple layers of growth create patterns of reflecting leaves or bushes in every spot of water. Pamela Tarbell’s “Marsh Kaleidoscope” painting series brings these kaleidoscopic wonders to the Arboretum in the form of colorful abstract paintings that highlight the beauty and value of these life-protecting, carbon-storing champions.

  • Intersections

    Pairings of Botanical Art and Herbarium Vouchers from the Collections of the Arnold Arboretum

    Mar 10 - Sep 10, 2023

    The living collections of the Arnold Arboretum are complemented by supplementary collections that reside in the Hunnewell Building. Among these, the Horticultural Library collections include an exquisite collection of botanical prints, and the Herbarium of Cultivated Plants consists of approximately 132,000 "vouchers"—plant specimens that have been dried, pressed, and mounted on paper. This exhibition pairs botanical art by Mark Catesby and other botanical artists with herbarium vouchers of both native and non-native plants in the Arnold Arboretum living collection, resulting in an insider's look at how these various collections intersect.

    Voucher specimen of Stewartia malacodendron and botanical illustration of the plant by Mark Catesby
  • Still Lives: Plants of the Arnold Arboretum, Close Up and Far Away

    Photographs by Vaughn Sills

    Winter 2023 - Summer 2023

    Photographer Vaughn Sills brought her exquisite still lives of Arboretum plants—whether in flower or fruit, burnished fall foliage or shimmery bud—to our exhibition. Each stem is a wonder of composition and color—prominent, yet sublimely connected to a background of a distant and ethereal landscape. The images are Still Lives, from inside Sills' studio, and include the outside—her images of nature and wide expanses of earth. Combined, these seemingly disparate elements convey the importance of two ways of looking, close up and far away.

    Photo of tree branches with flowers in vase
  • Artists Redux/Seen Again: Artists from the Arnold Arboretum’s Website Exhibitions, 2020-2022

    Winter 2023

    Eleven artists, representing seven exhibitions, bring their work back in person to the Arnold Arboretum. After 24 months of virtual shows during the pandemic, they share their vision of nature and the Arboretum for all our visitors.  

    Art print dark and light leaves and mushroom spoort
  • Intricate Beauties: The Lichen Explorations of Natalie Andrew

    Fall 2022 - Winter 2023

    Ceramicist and biologist Natalie Andrew's work in the Visitor Center displayed the artist's colorful sense of design and pattern and her adhering care and interest in the natural world with lichen embellishments.

    Ceramic shapes with lichen embellishments
  • The Overstory by Richard Powers, Handmade Scroll by Diane Samuels

    Fall 2022 - Winter 2023

    Diane Samuels' brought her vibrant, textured scroll, The Overstory by Richard Powers, to the Arboretum as part of our Sesquicentennial exhibitions. One side of the scroll is a hand-transcription in micro-script of the book made of strips of recycled drawings, prints, and papers from the artist's studio. The non-transcribed side is collaged with 99 bookplates.

    Art, colorful scroll with various materials and time script