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1927 Map of the Arboretum

Planned Giving

Painting of Benjamin Bussey Estate, view from Walk Hill, by William A. Cobb, autumn 1839. Arnold Arboretum Archives
Benjamin Bussey Estate painting

The Arnold Arboretum was established through planned gifts from New Bedford whaling merchant James Arnold (1781-1868) and Jamaica Plain farmer Benjamin Bussey (1757-1842) to Harvard University. These bequests of capital and land initiated more than 150 years of philanthropic stewardship of the Arnold by the people who have cherished it. Today, any donor who establishes a planned gift to the Arnold Arboretum is recognized as a member of The James Arnold Society, which honors those who have made efforts to benefit the future of the landscape in this way.

The Harvard University Office of Planned Giving works in partnership with the Arboretum to provide a full range of gift planning opportunities, including:

  • Bequests
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Pooled Income Funds
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Gifts of real estate, art, or other personal assets

For help with bequest language, or to request information on specific gift planning strategies, please contact Darcy Foster, Individual Giving Associate, at 617.384.0784, or by email.

Read about James Arnold Society members Roberta Apfel and Bennett Simon.