Grades PreK – K
During the time that you and your class spend at the Arboretum, you might visit the Rose Garden to find nesting birds, search for pollinators along the edge of a meadow, examine wildlife to discuss life cycles near the ponds, or explore a woodland area. Children might “climb” tree limb shadows, watch how the wind moves through leaves, or discuss the difference between living and non-living things.
Using hand lenses and bug boxes, children will see diverse plants and animals. Through songs, movement, hands-on experiences, and conversation, children will investigate and observe the landscape, use language to describe their experiences, and record and share their discoveries with each other.
Students return to the classroom with their drawings and plant collections for further observations and conversations. Teachers may utilize books suggested in the pre-post packet to extend children’s learning from their Arboretum adventures.
If you are a Boston Public School teacher and would like to register for a program, email Ana Maria Caballero or call 617.384.9032.
Science Standards correlations:
- PreK-LS1-1(MA) Compare, using descriptions and drawings, the external body parts of animals (including humans) and plants and explain functions of some of the observable body parts.
- PreK-LS1-3(MA) Use their five senses in their exploration and play to gather information.
- PreK-LS2-1 Use evidence from animals and plants to define several characteristics of living things that distinguish them from non-living.
- PreK-LS2-2(MA) Using evidence from the local environment, explain how familiar plants and animals meet their needs where they live.
- PreK-LS2-3(MA) Give examples from the local environment of how animals and plants are dependent on one another to meet their basic needs.
- PreK-LS3-1 (MA) Use observations to explain that young plants and animals are like but not exactly like their parents.
- K-LS1-1 Observe and communicate that animals (including humans) and plants need food, water, and air to survive. Animals get food from plants and other animals. Plants make their own food and need light to live and grow.